Saturday, August 26, 2017

UNKNOWN and every night we face the unknown.
Thankfully most of the time it is the ordinary things.
Today was a surprise visit from Sandra.
She had some mean looking gardening tools with her to attack the over growth.
By the time she arrived I had used up my morning spurt of energy so I was no help.
She would have been earlier but she was at home frantically looking for one lost kitten.
I do not know how she keeps tracking of the seven of them
It did appear to her relief.
It was getting too hot for me in the front yard and there was no way I can climb around out in that slanted ground with rocks and holes in many places.
I took a few pictures but it is hard to see the difference,
This was the mess that was left to cleanup
Dad took care of this will I continued to sit in our shady back yard.  Nobody even needed my advice.

We have five birthdays coming up in the first week in September and Sandra and Randy will again be inviting us all over on the Sunday, Sept. 3rd.  Since Monday is a holiday it was a choice between Sat. or Sunday or Monday.  A busy family and we can never all make it .  The weather is going to be warm and sunny.  I think we know each other well but once in awhile the thoughts of others are unknown to us.  We need to keep communication as best we can.

We have not seen Kim lately but will see her at the party.  Hamlet will be there too but not Haiti.

This is all leading up to say faith is an adventure into the unknown which can help us know ourselves better and face our fears of the unknown with deeper security.  Science is also helping us find answers to some of our problems.

I pray for my family and friends and I do not know if my prayers really o make a difference but I will continue to hope and believe in the mystery of prayer.  Prayer is the way I reach out to that unknown reality and presence that is always with me.

"If you are certain there is no God
you must have a clear picture of the God you do not believe in."  -unknown

To-morrow dad and I will attend church where we might hear some word that speaks to our hearts and souls.  It is wonderful to be a part of a community of faith! 


Sandra said...

I went home and cleaned the pool so Randy could have a swim when he got home. I waited till the roofers across the alley were gone before I went in. I know it is sill since I have my bathing suit on, but just felt weird to be out here swimming while they are up there sweltering away on the roof.


beth bennett said...

Like Carol would say:That's funny!"

A good wife and a good daughter!

Thank you for all your hard work.

I was up watering at 6.

Love mom