Wednesday, August 16, 2017


The world is full of amazing colors and I admire people who can paint and create lasting beauty.

Religion is being expressed in new ways,  in art and in music and in service and in writings!

Religion has given me the words to express my deepest longings!

Religion for me is not about obedience to the law but a gift of love waiting to be unwrapped every day.
There will be many times during the day that I feel annoyed and screw up even when I have good intentions.

Religion is having a healthy relationship of unconditional love and grace.

"You never knew Love until you crossed the line of Grace"-  Bono
and feel the embrace that is always waiting for you.

Religion not for sanctimonious saints with halo's on their heads but just ordinary misfits like me trying to be enthusiastic and share the joy I feel within my heart.

Religion that abuses and controls was the message that Jesus spoke against and I know still lives on today.  This has turned people away and makes me feel sick to my stomach too!

Dad drove me to the Seniors home so he could go over to the Hardware Store at the same time.

"When we recognize ourselves our self's as misfit screw ups but embrace that.identity, we may finally begun to see God as Father (just like Jesus did) and to see love, rather than embracing the law
we will see religion in a new light."  -Jason J. Stellman


nancy-Lou said... seems to me that religion is becoming less and less popular except for the far right religions, like the ones in the USA who think they are all right and are so opinionated regarding others. So sad.

I definitely have a strong faith, but religion including my own are leaving me cold. I look at the history of the Anglican church in the times of King Henry the 8th and cannot believe the atrocities he committed along with his henchmen.
I look at the history of the Catholic church and am appalled at things they have done...

So I flounder about, but still feel the spirit strongly...there is a higher power...where or what or how, I do not know...but I feel it.

Lovely photo of the roses, Beth. Are they from your garden?

I am sad because today was the last class at the VB summer clubhouse.....all the summer programs are over now. It was very noisy again today with the French Chef talking too loudly. My students couldn't hear me so they all had to come up to the front. It did quiet down as the chef wound up her class. But by that time my head was spinning.

I will teach on the Sept long weekend at our own Vb Community Centre where I can shut the door and all is quiet.

How are Larry's feet and legs? Are the numb as well as having pain?
How are you doing Beth? Is your hearing improving or are those loud noises very troublesome?
Do you still see Haiti often and take her for walks? How old is she now?

Max my Schnoodle has arthritis and he limps....he also has the injury to his ligament in his knee so i can't take him for a long walk...but his sister Bella is doing just fine. They will be 10 in January and are one of the most important things in my them a lot!

Well I am off to bed soon...will go and read the Kate Morton book..the fourth one. It started off slowly as do all her books, but it is getting good now! she is a master at suspense and mystery and the endings always are not what you would expect.

Good night, have a good sleep,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hoping to go to the library to pick up a Jane Morton.

Larry's feet are numb but also painful when he stands on them too long.
Painting again to-day before going to the doctor but not about his feet.

My hearing is still a problem.

We do not see Haiti very often.
Some one has to pick her up or come and get her afterwards.

I am interested to see how many people go on my blog.

Thank you for your response Nancy.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, all Kate Morton's books are good but the one I liked the best was The Secret Keeper. I am reading The House at Riverton and the author is "setting the stage" for some secrets that are revealed late on in the book I would think. I am so tired by the time 9:30 rolls around I go to bed and my eyes shut and I am not able to read. I was up in the middle of the night with pain and read for an hour and a half....going to see my doctor next week.
Love, Nancy