Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Dad is not happy with his porch.  He may take it all apart.  His feet are extra sore again and besides it is too hot.  He is feeling discouraged.

Last night there was a nasty smell.  I wondered is it me or is it dad?
Turns out it was a skunk!  Kelly our neighbor met it when she was out watering.
To be honest I did recognize the smell.

Dad and I had a very tiring day today.  There was a doctor taking over for Dr. Nolte and he was running very behind schedule.  It would have been easier if it had been Dr. Nolte.  Anyways he gave me a complete check-up and even sent me for a E.K.G. after.  It was another long wait to get that test.

I failed my eye test so I will not be able to drive without wearing glasses.

I do not know if I am legal right now or not.

I came home with a bad headache and felt dizzy again.

It is probably a good thing.

Reading about suffering in the morning and I know this is not really suffering.
Life has little problems that can fill like suffering but
"God's love can transform hardships into opportunities for growth and compassion for others."  -J. -       J.  Stellman


Sandra said...

Don't forget to email me the picture of Adena and Riley.

So will you get some driving glasses? Randy can not drive with out his. I have to get some too, I actually forgot till now.


Steady-as-rain said...

Life is mainly about just showing up, weather well dressed or steady or not. (At least that is what I tell myself)

Crystal is a good carpenter and hammer-wielder. Maybe she can help Dad launch a 2nd attack on the front steps?

I always wear my glasses when I am driving. Of course, I have actual prescription glasses, not just drug-store readers. (Hmmm head-aches .... hmmmm ... glasses ... hmmm ... possible connection?)

My quick trip to Regina and back went very well, but I am now exhausted.

I am trying to get the CAT scan rescheduled. No luck so far.



beth bennett said...

So I have lots in common with the rest of you young things.

Rick keep trying to reschedule that test.

Cooler today so dad is back working on the front porch.

May go visiting.
