Monday, August 14, 2017


Childhood memories are tucked away in all our hearts and some just need a reminder to awaken the fantasies forgotten so many years ago.  My friend Vera and I shared so many untold stories on  my last visit.  We both had written down many memories and now wonder what to do with our writings.

I have books full of my daily journals which I do not know just what to do with them.

                                          Just a few of the books.

Going to a funeral you find out a lot about a person you never knew.  I wished we had been able to stay and chat and hear more but I was glad we both were ale to be there.  Talked to Jane on the phone today and she was a little down.  She is just not at peace about her situation and I hope and pray one day she will find the peace and comfort and love she needs.

I have a children's book by my bed which I read at night and wish I could read to some one.  It is called the :Midnight Gang" and now they are collecting balloons to see if they can fly.  Such fun!

All quiet at the park early this morning.

Dad has been painting and is resting with a sore backs as well as his feet.

Jesus loved to talk to children and encouraged us all to have a child like heart and faith.  If we are open and honest we will find a grown up spirituality that is built on the grace and love of a wonderful story teller.  I wish there had been more untold stories about Jesus that we could learn more about him.


Sandra said...

Who knows, maybe your journals will be published 100 years from now.

Randy is getting close to finishing painting the out side of the house. Another couple hours on the main colour and then just the trim to finish.

Enjoying the cooler nights, chilly in the morning on walks.


Sandra said...

Oh, and can you or dad email me that picture of Adena and Riley, I want to see if I can print it.

Steady-as-rain said...

Well, you can write stories about Jesus.

What do we know about Jesus?

We know he disliked rules and constantly challenged the pharisees and priests and scribes.

We know he often spoke in rather odd parables that were often hard to understand.

We know he seemed to be kind and self-confident and assured.

Here's a story outline: Trump and Jesus get stuck together for an hour in the White House elevator. What do they talk about? What does Jesus have to say? Will Trump listen and possibly change? Or will he just boast about seeing Jesus in his elevator? Or maybe he won't recognize Jesus?

There you go. Half way done! :) :)

Oh - I will likely drive down early Friday so I can work with Leah's cousin Crystal on her human rights complaint. I will bring my printer and computer so maybe I can use the front room, or something?



Anonymous said...

Good to see it has cooled off a bit for you. Kids have a free day off school today. Just as well as Jasmine has a terriable headache and Matthew an earache. Melina has the day off but must work Saturday morning instead..I am in the middle of a run of late shifts,I Finnish up at 1am Saturday. My office is under change with the resources department all getting laid off. There is about 20 staff at Melbourne airport that are effected. They can transfer to Sydney if they want,but only one may possibly go as his girlfriend lives in Sydney. We can feel the start of spring in the air here. Buds are on the trees , and the temp is rising slowly.

Carol said...

That would be so cool if you could read that book one day to Ophelia.