Sunday, August 13, 2017


first thing I did this morning was put on warm jogging pants instead of the shorts I having been wearing.  I hoped that it would turn out to be a nice day but a bit cooler was great.
It has been a while since I have driven the car but since dad had to stay at home to be there when the inter net man came, I drove over to the church.  I was feeling more confident than I have been lately so I will apply for a renewal of my license.  What with dad's legs getting worse he may not be driving for  too long.

The minister who is filling in for the summer is a dear lady but I have a hard time hearing her.  Dad also finds her hard to hear.  She talked about the unexpected presence of God in our lives and especially how important it is to tune out the noise and listen for God in the Silence.

I drove home for lunch and then dad and I returned for the funeral of a dear old friend.  I also was hoping to see Jane there and she sat right in front of us with her daughter Keri.  We had a short visit but then everyone was asked to move into the hall for lunch.  We were late getting there and the place was very crowded and dad did not feel too good so we decided to leave.  We would have liked to visit with our friends Pat and John but we will do that another time.

I hoped that dad would feel up to going to Sandra and Randy's and he did.

Kim looked lovely and was helping Sandra and Randy prepare the great feast!
When you take a picture of several people it is hard to get them all looking and smiling.
Randy and Mandy are also busy cooking. Both too busy to look up.  Randy got even with me by giving me a portion of the spaghetti sauce with three lot peppers!  Truthfully he helped me find them before I ate a one.

Adena with her handsome husband to be are a happy couple and will be returning to Edmonton to-morrow.

As I sat in church unable to hear very well I thought about the woman who had been sick for years with a hemorrhage and how her hope in the healing touch of Jesus gave her the courage to reach out and touch his robe.  She was instantly healed.

"It takes a thought to heal a thought."  Joseph Prince.

God is all about filling our hearts with hope.


Sandra said...

You were fast at getting pictures up. I hope it was not too painful to your ears last night at dinner. There is a lot of banging and clanging that happens when making a meal.

I always think I have things well in hand but then people start showing up and I seem to get behind and behinder.

Did dad start to feel any better once you were home?


beth bennett said...

No Sandra I have to just get used to it.
Maybe even put ear plugs in my purse.

Thanks again for all the work you went to
putting on another feast. Dad and I have to both
be careful about eating a lot too late.

Dad was still not feeling good when we arrived home.
Putting his feet up helped.
We are wanting to do things but. . . .

Hope you had a better sleep last night.

:ove mom

nancy-Lou said...

Hope...I do hope that the doctors can find out what is causing your hearing to be so sensitive Beth. Are they sending you to see a specialist? Ear plugs may be a good idea, but be sure and take them out if you are driving. It is good to re-new your driving licence because it can be hard to get it again if you let it lapse for a length of time. Good for you driving over to church on your own.

Another lovely supper at Sandra and Randy's house. That Kim is stunning isn't she? Looks so beautiful in her dress. Nice photos Beth. It is a good thing Randy got those hot peppers out of the sauce before you ate....I don't care for them either and they don't like me!

I am growing some mystery peppers that Bob's friend Pete grows every year from seeds that have been saved for generation in he Italian family. He gave me some seedlings and they are elongated green peppers right now and not sure if they turn colour or what they taste like.
The plants are loaded with peppers. i sell some of my garden produce when i have extra on the honour system...just put a basket out on a chair and a bowl for the money. Works well so far and I figure if someone doesn't pay they really must have needed it.
I have tomatoes and zucchini beets curly parsley, oregano, and basil for sale today. tomorrow I will have small potatoes too. I don't have a lot extra, but at thhis time of year I do have some.

I am leaving shortly to go and teach Jeanne Burch a private watercolour lesson at her cottage. i am pretty sure I told you about it. Looking forward to it very much. We are painting pansies in a bowl. She will be leaving to go back to her home in Edmonton soon.

I wish it was cool enough to wear warm sweat pants here...we have had a hot and dry summer and again today it is going to be 30C with humidity. I will have Carl drop me off at the Vb gates and walk in to Jeanne's cottage, which is about a 10 minute walk downhill to the lake. Walking back to the gates is uphill. I will call Carl when i am ready to be picked up and the gates and walk back up there. I could get a pass to drive in as a business, but prefer to walk. It respectful of the cottagers who park in the parking lot and walk or bike to their cottages.

So I am off soon and wish you a great day. I sure do hope that Larry feels better soon...having sore feet and legs sure must be awful to live with.

Love to both,

beth bennett said...

Ron and Donna also sell things at the little stall at their front door on the honor system.

Sandra had a lovely dress on too but it was covered by her apron.

I made dad take a pain pill when his feet got bad again today.

I love pansies and yet do not have any this year.

Have fun at your lesson!

Love beth