Saturday, August 12, 2017


Worked hard in the morning and was very thankful for the little breeze that helped cool me off.
I probably kept going too  long which annoys dad but there is so much over grown right now.

Dad and I both enjoyed the afternoon sitting in our backyard where the breeze continued to follow me.

I was reading an article about science and I was thinking how our minds affect us.  I do not have a scientific mind although I studied hard at school and did well in physics and in science.

My mind has longed to be creative and words are a big part of this.

I am more aware of the facts that faith that is "invigorated and enlightened by science rather than being at odds with it makes us better off.  "An active faith that sees beyond our differences in culture as well as in science embraces new truths and has the power to engage in empathy and good will towards others."  Dr. Jay Lombard

Life is not always a breeze but always a challenge.

The computer man comes today.
I will go to church and then to a funeral and then have a nap and off to Sandra and Randy's!


Steady-as-rain said...

A slightly dirty floor is probably a good thing. Apparently it is good for little babies to be exposed to lots of things, including dirty floors. So no worries there.

That was great that Dad ran into some ATC guys at the River Inn.

I am resting mainly. Watched Heartbeat last night.



nancy-Lou said...

We need a good breeze to come is heavy with humidity and a thunderstorm is following the lake...we are just on the eastern edge and may not even get any rain, although we do need rain. I always worry about the forest fire danger when it is so dry and there are so many people out here.

Gosh that little Ophelia is cute. Does she have a nick name or a shortened version of her name? Pretty soon it won't be her knees and hands getting a little dirty it will be the bottoms of her feet! I bet she will be walking in no time.

We had a visit from our Granddaughter today...which is always special. She is so busy with her work. She works long hours on the highway...testing asphalt, for the dept of highways where they are doing paving work. She will be going into third year engineering in October.
Quite the young lady now....23 and very self assured and hard working.

How is the smoke and heat out in Vancouver now? I hope better...that wouldn't be good for Larry's asthma.

How was your hearing test Beth? Do you need to get a hearing aid? I ahve to go and have mine tested too. My right ear had a deer fly, fly into it a couple of years ago and it bit me and there was blood running from my ear. Now it has something grown that is blocking my ear canal and I am getting a little off centre....dizzy. I will tell my doctor when I see him soon.

I am going down to teach jeanne how to paint pansies in a bowl tomorrw afternoon. At her cottage...the 80 year old one. Really looking forward to it. she is a delight. hard to believe she is a judge! But then again, I can see her coming on pretty sternly if she had to.

I loved your garden photos, Beth with the lovely stone wall. it sure must have been a lot of work for you when you first put in the wall and garden. It is chock full of such beautiful mature plants.

well i am off to bed early tonight. Tired and have a busy day tomorrow.

I wish you both a lovely evening.

Love Nancy