Wednesday, August 2, 2017


We thought we had a bird in the house because we could hear a squeaking chirping house.  I looked and looked and then realized it was the battery in the smoke alarm.  The air was very smokey and he moon very orange to-night.

A warm day to go visiting but I wanted to share some of my lovely flowers.  Joan at the Seniors Home was pleased to see me and she even jokes a bit as I leave.  "Don't do anything I wouldn't do" she says as I leave.

The visit with her was very quiet and the library even quieter when we drove there next.

I was able to get an appointment early with the ear doctor as some one had cancelled.  I go to-morrow at 1:30.  I hope I get some answers.  I am a little deaf but high frequency noise hurts my ears.  Very strange.

Sometimes just the presence of another person brings comfort to a lonely soul!


Sandra said...

I don't know if it is because of the snake making it feel like dusk all evening, but it seemed extra quiet outside last night. I had a little nap on the deck after supper then did some weeding till it was cool enough to walk peanut.

Steady-as-rain said...

Good you are getting in early with the ear doctor. Maybe you will be a unique case and you will get written up in in some medical journal?



Carol said...

I guess with the heat and the smokey air not many people are venturing out. Every summer is different. .. Good to hear ... or read rather that you have an ear appointment early. I hope it's something treatable. Went for a morning walk on my old beach this morning. Saw turtle tracks where one had come up to lay her eggs. It's Turtle laying season now.

nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful of you to take some flowers and bring some cheer to shut in people. To often they are forgotten. Joan is a lucky lady.

I hope you aren't suffering with all the smoke that has drifted your way from the wild fires in the interior. How scary that is for the folks that have to live near them or be evacuated.
The smoke even reached here, last week when the prevailing winds were from the west. Not bad enough to make it uncomfortable for us...but we had smoky skies and a red sun and moon.
thankfully the winds are now from the north which has brought us cooler weather and no smoke. BUT we still have the dangerous blue green algae and the beaches are deserted. The smell was making it's way up a couple of streets from the lake.

How was your doctor appointment? I hope it went well and you are able to get some help. I missed your blog for the last couple of days and hope all is well. Maybe just taking a break?

I took Max to see the vet yesterday and unfortunately he has a torn ligament in his knee.
He needs surgery at $1,500. We are going to try some medication to see if it will help it heal and to help with his arthritis as well. poor guy...he has pain, you can see it in his eyes, but he is such a good fellow about it.
Our son drove and brought his old cat to be euthanized. it was very sad. She had a cancer operation about a year ago and has been getting more was time.

Do you have some more photos of your garden, Beth? the ones you have put on are so pretty. You can grow many different and beautiful flowers than we can here living in a zone 2. Winnipeg is a zone 3.
My garden is doing really well. As small as it is, I still get lots of veggies. tomatoes of all sizes, cucumbers, zucchini, swiss chard, beets and potatoes. I am growing sweet peas on the deck and have morning glories in the yard. Was growing nasturtiums until the deer ate them. I put a net over them and the hummingbird was very upset, so I took it off again, worried that the hummingbird would get caught in the net and that night...they were gone!

This morning I was putting the finishing touches on two paintings for the fine art show tomorrow. It is at the summer clubhouse where I teach art on Ŧhursdays. Thankfully I donèt have to do anything...just drop off and pick up the paintings. 10% of sales goes to charity.

Off now to work on advertising private art tuition. Some of the younger people in my regular class are wanting private tuition. They are summer people so I will likely go to their cottage to teach.

Wishing you a great day today,
Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Yes our inter-net has not been working
but I did not mind a few days rest.

Thanks for your comments so good to hear
about your happenings.

Love mom