Sunday, August 27, 2017


It was already warm when I jumped into the car ready to get to church on time and surprise everyone.  Dad had a bad night and woke up with a headache so he was slow getting up.  I made him take his blood pressure before I left.  

The church is a beautiful little church set in a bunch of trees.  The trouble is the whole area is changing and huge, monster houses are going up all along the route.  Most of the people are East Indian so will not likely be inspired to come to our church.

Right next to the church the little house has been torn down and appears by the foundation to be going to be another monster.  The rumor is that bikers have bought it.  I know good friends who are bikers who even go to church.  We could add a sign All Are Welcome!  Especially Bikers!

As I hurry to get out of my car I meet an old friend  from my days when I walked around the ridge.
Of course I had to stop and talk as we often met on our walks.  She was a jogger and the picture of health   but now she has aches and pains too and is doing less than she used to.  It is always good to see old friends.

I ended up being late as I tried to sneak in quietly.  Every one was quiet as I entered.  I forgot to pick up my hymn book so when it was time to sing I had to go back and pick it up.  

The message was about not thinking two highly of yourself, well at that moment I had no problem with that.  The minister shared some insights that she had discover reading from the book of Romans.  Yes this would be Paul.  He talks about the acts of spiritual worship and offering all we are in devotional worship.  All I can do and be is myself.  As a community we belong to each other and I think also to others surrounding us.  We each have our gifts to be used in service to one another.

I asked for prayer for Rick.  He will now be surrounded by my loving caring friends.

I have been reading a book by a Catholic  Scientist  which has helped me to see his faith not only from a scientific view but from one of faith.  Reading helps me gain insights into the practices of other faiths whether Christian or not.  

"Rites and ceremonies are an important part of religion"  Guy Consolmagno.  S.J.

Communion can be compared like sharing a birthday cake which is shared at the proper time and place among friends.  Understanding what and why you are doing something is helpful.  

Words can shape reality whether it is said by a friend or a priest.  "Yes even by a funny guy in a funny outfit saying words over me."  G. C.

Too hot to sit here typing now it is time for ice cream!


Sandra said...

On my walk this morning Peanut and I went past a home day care that had a couple of playpens out for free. I stopped and looked, walked away and then thought maybe Ophelia could sleep in it so went back. The first one was too heavy for me to carry so took the smaller one. I was quite a ways from home and the little one was very heavy by the end as well.

Worked in the garden putting old bricks as a border. They use to be where we have the pea gravel by the trailer.

Cleaned the pool again so we could have a swim when Randy got home. He cooked the burgers and I cleaned up.

Time to round up kittens now and take Peanut for her night time pee.


Sandra said...

Oh,and your gluten free cookies were very good, can I have the recipe? Just get dad to take a picture with his phone and text it to me.

craig decraene said...

Hi all,
Hope all
Is well

Steady-as-rain said...

Prayers are always welcome, so thanks for that Mom. I hope you warned the prayer people that I am a bit of a skeptic, so they will have to use turbo-prayers! :) Ha ha.

Thanks to Sandra for lugging home the playpen for possible use by Ophelia (and, I suppose, eventually the DeCraene baby after Ophelia). Very thoughtful.

You and Theresa will have to look at the menu of the Indian pizza place for things that are gluten free. Rice is gluten free, of course. But I'm not sure about curries and all that. I will probably call them later in the week to check that out.

I am working on another affidavit for Crystal. We are kind of in a race against time against the big company lawyers who are going to try and stop her complaint in September before it gets a full hearing.

I have asked Christopher to come to the September birthday pool party at Sandra's, but I don't think he will come. He is really quite cranky these days and gets irritated if I contact him at all.



beth bennett said...

Sandra I will make the cookies even better this time.

Play pens are handy.
Good for you.

Indian food may not be glutin free if it has soya sauce.

I would like to invite Crystal. Phoned your work Sandra but you were out.

Have you talked to Rick.

Dad bought some more wood for the front deck
too hot to do anything in the afternoon.

I went to the store and too hot to do anything.

Love mom

beth bennett said...

Just sitting in the back yard reading.

Are you coming over?

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

It is sad to hear that the little church is struggling amongst a neighbourhood that has changed. I do hope that it can survive and has enough members to keep it going. I guess it is a sign of the times.
I think back to my childhood years and how important the church was to us....Sunday School, junior choir, then senior choir and the Sunday Service at 11 am. Confirmation classes and on it went. Wearing a hat to church and kneeling for prayers...the feeling of reverence in the church. The huge organ and how loud it could sound....and getting the giggles up in the choir loft as a kid...oh boy the harder we tried not to giggle the more we did.
We wore white surplices over a maroon gown....and had to take the surplices home to wash often.
Today it seems the reverence has gone from the church and many just go and do things by rote...especially going up for communion. They fidget and talk while waiting in goodness we never did that and were supposed to focus on the fact that we were going to receive the blood and body of Christ.
Time has changed many things hasn't it Beth?

Good for Larry working on another project. he seems to like to be busy. Very wise though to take your time and not work in the hot weather. Looking forward to seeing the final end to this project.

It is very hot here as well. It is 30C already and very humid which I do not like. So the air conditioners are going full blast. I look forward to the fall weather with its cooler temperatures.

Stay cool, you two,
Love Nancy