Friday, May 27, 2016


There are many times in life when affirming words are so important!
I know I am grateful for every one.

Dad and I will be attending the funeral of another dear friend Pearl Glen at the Hazelmere Golf Course at 11 in the morning.  As I sit to do my morning writing Jane phones and I am so thankful she did as I had written 12:30 not 11.  I know her son Don  phoned twice so I think the time was changed.

Both these dear friends Mary and Pearle had wonderful lives because they loved and were loved.
They both enjoyed the beauty of nature, the flowers, the trees, the sunsets and the stars at night.
They both loved music and Pearle would attend special concerts with great enjoyment.

Both these friends have also spoke affirming words into my life in times when I felt very weary and down.  If they asked you how you were they really wanted to know because they cared.
Their inner strength gave their lives meaning even at the end of very long lives.  96!

I learnt  how to turn sadness into the precious time of solitude and wonder and appreciation for the gifts of live and love that surround me.

"How Great Thou Art!" was and will always be music to my soul as I consider how great His love is for me!

Did some shopping at Choices on the way home and then time for a nap before we head out again.

Our day will end in Abbotsford where Morgan will be preforming in a dance recital that I am really looking forward to.  This young girl is full of music and imagination!

Each one of us may feel ordinary but the truth is we are all extraordinary in a special way.


Sandra said...

Sounds like another very busy day for you guys. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Thankful there will be time for a nap!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I look forward to seeing some photos of Morgan's performance. She is talented isn't she?
That is quite a drive out to it an hour or so away?

I hope you both were able to get a good nap this afternoon before venturing out again. Do you ever have any mosquitoes in Vancouver? There are lots here now and they are biting me in the house. Darn it! They come in the pet door, when the flap isn't quite down in the wind.

Carl's doctor called him today to talk to him about his upcoming surgery and said he will visit him in the hospital. You sure don't get many doctors like Dr. Chakraborty who calls us at home, to talk and see how we are doing. It is a colleague of his at St. Boniface hospital who will be doing the surgery...he is a vascular surgeon and apparently one of the best. So he will be in good hands!

A beautiful evening after a day of showers...sunny and cooler.

Have a good sleep tonight,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy a scary time ahead for you both.

What is the time and date of the surgery?

Good doctors make all the difference.

We have the odd mosquitoes and often finds Ken if he is visiting.

Praying for you and the doctors that all will go well.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you Beth for the thoughts and prayers...they will be much needed! He is a higher risk patient.

The surgery will be at 7:45 June 13th and will be 3 or 4 hours. We go for the pre-op on Tuesday.

Isnt that funny that the mosquitoes find Ken...they do have their preferences! They loved my daughter-in-law, Melodie, so I stayed close to her and didn't get bitten! haha.I wonder if they have mosquitoes in Australia?

Love, Nancy