Friday, May 13, 2016


Nancy you must be famous to be getting all this attention!  I sure thing you are an excellent artist with lots of imagination and emotion that goes with it.  Hope you have a great day.  Purple is a good royal colour.

GOOD  NEWS  Ben has been accepted to be a part of the residential team of the White Caps.
Dad and I are very proud of him and his hard work.  He lives and breaths soccer!

I had a long nap on Thursday so figured I who be in great shape for Friday.  I planned to go visiting and dad planed to ride his bike.  We stayed working in the yard till we were very hot and tired so it was time for another nap before our late afternoon lunch.  I ran out of planters to put some flowers in so used dad's rubber boots.  Hope he does not need them for awhile.

I asked Kim a question I had asked before and I knew it before the words came out of my mouth and I know it is annoying.

I do not like getting old, I do not like it at all.  I will try to do better while I can. Everything seems like extra hard work.

We took a quick trip to the library and I was surprised at the two  books on display which I quickly took.

The one book is "How's Your Faith" by David Gregory and the other is "Jim and Casper Go To church."

They are books about comparisons.  Gregory is Jewish married to a Protestant woman of strong faith.
He wants his children to raise in the Jewish faith which she agrees to but gradually realizes what she has sacrifice.  Because he was going down a path of strict rituals and daily laws which started to impact their marriage.

Judaism is meant to strengthen the family not create gaps within it, so adjustments had to be made on both sides.  A serious book.

Jim is a believer and Casper an atheist so they visit different churches to compare them,  it looks like it may be funny.


Sandra said...

I have not bought any annals yet. Might drop by a nursery when we are winding our way to your house.

nancy-Lou said...

WOW...isn't that fantastic news about Ben! Accepted into the residential program for the White Caps! I will write Theresa a note to congratulate Ben and family. Just think of all those games he has played since he was young and all the games his parents faithfully drove him too and attended! Way to go Ben! Way to go Theresa and Mike.

I know what you mean about repeating things, I notice that Carl and I both do that too! Comes with getting older I guess! But I sure don't like it either...but it is something we cannot help, right? People need to be understanding of it.

Well you know the old saying "the best laid plans of mice and men"....that was good that you took a day of working in the garden together. Visiting and bike riding can wait, right?

I have had brain fog the last few days and it is really annoying...I think I have a sinus infection and it is causing my head to feel full. Will see my doctor on Wednesday.

The St. Georges Historical Society is putting on the retrospecitve exhibition of my art. It indeed is quite an honour. They want to showcase the art from the beginnings to the present,..35 pieces. So they are putting out the call through advertising to art collectors who have my work to loan them to the society. I will have to make a speech...but I have done that before..just hope my brain is in gear that day! ahaha. The opening night reception is on June 30th and the show will run to the end of July. I don't have to do anything except show up and give them information! Feeling very blessed.

Your good finds at the library sound "right up your alley " Beth. It is exciting to have some good books to read. I am now bored with Jodi Picoult and looking for some new ones. I think I have some on my ebook reader. Must check,

Have a great day today,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

We have learnt that there are some conditions to Ben's acceptance which have to do with him living in Chilliwack.
Not quite sure what is happening but his performance has been excellent.

Hope your talk goes well.

Congratulations! !

Love betb