Sunday, May 29, 2016


A lovely piano at the memorial service.
It reminds me of years ago in Hawaii when dad and I sat
around a piano bar with another couple. 
We had great fun and became good friends.
Fast Forward to now.

Everywhere we go now especially driving the streets are very crowed.

Dad and I do not do well in crowds at all.  The dance recital was very crowded and every one started leaving at once.  I stood up and made it too the Ilse and was having a hard time joining the steady stream of people.  A young man, about 30 who had made it passed me reach back with his arm and pulled me along.  I burst out laughing and so did he.  I thanked him gratefully. 

By acts of kindness
acts of serving and giving
acts of appreciation
we are opening ourselves to God's love and grace.

Dad and I are off to Sandra and Randy's to a real good home cooked meal!

Kim and Carol have gone to the Art Gallery for the day!


Steady-as-rain said...

Pianos are wonderful things.



nancy-Lou said...

Wasn't that a nice young fellow to give you a hand when you needed it? There really are good folks in this world! I too, never liked crowds and now find it hard to sit still to watch a concert.

Of the many things I have the privilege of owning over the last 72 years, my piano is the one I love the most. It has been with me for 66 years and not a day goes by without being played with joy. Sometimes I have to discipline myself to stop and actually get some work done! My art is important, but my piano is my first love! Often it is the last thing I do at night.....I go to bed and have sweet dreams! I am going to make a recording of some of my music soon. I have done that before and sold CD's.

Today, a friend is coming over and we are going to paint in oils....we had to wait for a nice day so we could use my unheated sunroom, due to the fumes from the oils.

I wish you a lovely day too,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I love listening to other people play instruments. I would like to learn to play one some day, when I am old and have nothing to do I guess.


nancy-Lou said...

Sandra, I wish we lived close by and I would teach you! All you need is the desire to learn and a half hour a day to practice. I especially enjoy teaching adults, who never had a chance to learn is so inspiring to see how much they enjoy it! I taught our minister, Judy and she was so much fun...just too busy to practice. She retires this fall and I bet will be back for lessons!

Love, Nancy