Monday, May 23, 2016


                             Many moons ago I could start a job and finish it in one day.

Hey.    It took six days for God the Creator to finish his work.  Why do we not get this simple message instead of trying to figure out how long a day was or how it was this accomplished.   

The point is things take time and sometimes more than one day.  I am learning to accept this.

I know many things I start will not be finished in a day because those days are long gone.

The simple things are always the hardest.  Let us have a discussion first about what God really said what he really meant before we do it.  My mind will never be smart enough to figure all this out.

Love one another.  Not always easy.  Love your enemies impossible.

Do unto others what you would have them do to you.  Not that easy when I realize I have to set a good example and practice what I preach.

I take time to go to the store where I meet our old neighbor Cathy and invite her over for a visit.  
We had a great time catching up on what has been happening in her life and with Jeff and his health and of course the dog.

As soon as she left dad was out working in the yard getting it looking very smart and like an expert job but the mess of branches is piling up.  While he was there he had a good visit with Gordon our other neighbor.  If we had not run out of brown bags he would have helped with the clean up.

I really appreciated Carol and Panteli having us over for supper which was a favorite of dads.  Stew.

Rubbarb crumble for dissert one of my favorites.

My day may start on a spiritual note but by the end I am unable to think at all.
My typing is extra slow too.
So thankful for all our old friends that treat us just like family!


Sandra said...

Well, I guess the point of high lofty standards is maybe not so much actually achieving them, but at the very least striving.


beth bennett said...

Very good!

Time goes quickly does it not here you both are home again.


Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

One day ....well I think you do very well, Beth. Your dedication to your blog is remarkable and you are so active, going out and visiting. Even if your typing is slow, you alway get the message across and with some added humour too!

I find that even at almost 72, I cannot work as long as I used to...I can work for a couple of hours and then rest for a while....then work again!
I was so happy when I had a lady come in and clean the house every couple of weeks...can't afford it now that we are retired...but it may be something you could do and you wouldn't feel the pressure of not being able to do it yourself. One you get used to it you will be so glad you did it!

mmmm stew and rhubarb crumble sound sooo good.How blessed you are with your family, four wonderful children.

I saw the dermatologist today and the lesion on my nose is skin cancer. She is taking it off next week, freezing and scraping. Her clinic is quite the fancy place...all the latest equipment. She does botox treatments for the " fancy ladies".

I was quite surprised. Nothing to worry about.Then stopped in and visited Carl's uncle who is not well and in a nursing home.
Bought some strawberry plants that are in a hanging planter....mmmmmmm love strawberries.

How are Larrys feet doing? Did the doctors ever find something that would give him relief from the pain?I sure hope so.

It was a rough night, first there was a thunderstorm with lots of lightening. Then a skunk sprayed right under the window and started squealing like a stuffed pig....we think an owl got it. Owls don't have a sense of smell and are predators of skunks. Most other predators won't go after stinky skunks. Out female dog, Bella was barking and barking and I had to get up and shut all the windows.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy