Wednesday, April 13, 2016



Thank you Jasmine for my lovely
Easter Egg.  My first Easter card!

I have it on my mantel piece for now
and later will go on the frig.
Very beautiful and very thoughtful!

I am amazed at your good printing,
well done.

I love you!

We had a crazy day yesterday because dad had
thought he had lost his phone and felt lost with
out it.  Looked all day under the bed and in all the chairs, in and out of the garage and all around in the garden.

Later we returned home from taking my wheel chair to Margaret who is getting very weak and will need it as she goes for kemo treatment for the cancer in her shoulder.

Walked in the kitchen and it was there on the table.  A mystery!

While we were out Kim heard the voice message from the library that no phone had been turned in.
She phoned the phone and could hear it down in the couch.  She turned it upside down and there it was.

Yes, dad and I are going a bit deal!

Two mysteries solved.  My card arrives and our phone is found.

Off to Van. General and happy to have our phone again.


Sandra said...

Those darn phones. I keep misplacing mine as well, but since I have it on silent most of the time very hard to find just by calling it.

That is a very nice card from Jasmine. Are you still doing any Skyping? You know just because dad does not like to does not mean you should quit.

Last nights soup making was a little disappointing. We were only in the kitchen for maybe 45 minutes chopping and stirring. Plus most of the ladies there all knew each other, and to be quite frank, were kind of loud and a bit obnoxious. It is good to know that the soup will be going to womens shelters, but I do not know if I would do this again.

Hope your drive and appointment goes well.


Anonymous said...

Yeah well done Post Canada !! I think the zip code was in the wrong spot !!🤔 Jasmine is very single minded and when she wrote the card said we need to mail it . NOW . I am glad it got there .

Steady-as-rain said...

I am not hearing my phone either sometimes.

Glad it turned up eventually.

