Tuesday, April 26, 2016


I looked like some one out of a spy novel.

Actually I was much dirtier than this shows with my bum and shoes covered in dirt
I went to the laundry room to get out of all my dirty things.
I was just about to run up the stairs when there was a knock on the front door which meant my escape route was blocked.  I waited for a while and could hear dad talking to some girl and finally got curious.  I put on a black trench coat and marched to the front door.  My nose and face all black too.
It was our closest neighbor and she did not recognize me at first.  I felt like a spy ready to go out spying on the rest of the neighborhood.

Yesterday I met my first miserable dog walker a boy about 11 with a huge massive bull dog on a leash.  I walk quickly by and away afraid of Haiti's reaction.  One minute later the dog pulling the boy came up from behind us wanting to sniff Haiti.  I could see that she was very unhappy and ready to bite.  I tried to separate them and some how got the young boy trapped in our leash.  He then gave me a nasty angry look and I thought how like his dog he looked.  His dog was one mean looking animal.

Good I did not have my halter on yet that was put on at twelve thirty.  It feels like I can hardly breath but I will tough it out.  I have to write down all I am doing and wish I could make it more interesting.
I had a big rest waiting for dad to come home after his long bike ride through the water shed, where coming around the corner on his path a big tree had fallen and blocked his way.  He had to find a new route.  I was pleased to see him riding his bike because it has been about 6 days.  Some where wet and cold.

I really must go to the store or else it will be breakfast out again in the morning.

I was thinking on my walk how the first part of life is discovering our strengths and weaknesses and our true selves with all our passions and dreams for life. 

Our last half of life is reliving our lives through our stories.  Even with the tall tales of yesterday no one really knows what it is like to be me.  My beliefs are a part of what makes me Me.  No one knows how it feels to live in this body of mine.

"I would be a sad man if it were not got the hope I see in my grandfather's eyes."
-  Dan George.

"Our children are us in the to-morrow of life
          In them we remain here,
and so it will be with their children's children
          If the world survives."
-  Crow


Client Strengths said...

I'm always amazed how much insite and interesting tidbits and things you put in your blog. I have even more appreciation now as I've tried to write my own blog and really see how difficult it is to do.
Good on you Mom!

Sandra said...

So, what was the neighbor doing at your house? You were lucky not to have fallen down with all of those leashes and what not. I got Randy out for a little walk yesterday, got him to go part way with me to Pilates.

Mary and Michael John are quite stressed. Jeanne is having some health problems and she will not be able to watch the children for a while. So, Mary had to take Sebastien to work with her today! The manager there said they will try to make room for him, but then of course the issue becomes is it worth it to be working if you have to pay for child care for two children?

We have our wallpaper up now, just waiting on the taps and then the room will be done, oh and I want to put up a shelf.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, that really was quite a story...covered in dirt...your escape route blocked..haha and the black trench coat...I think you may have discovered a talent for mystery writing! I wonder what the neighbour thought!

Isn't it funny how we look like out pets? Often that is the case...poor kid looking like an ugly bulldog...but I guess he had the attitude to go with it! Glad you didn't topple over with all the leashes and dogs. It almost happens to me and I just have my own two dogs. Sometimes they get me all tied up, especially if I happen to stop and chat with someone.

A busy day here...we had the window cleaners, then the organizer of a photography exhibit, then a local chap who came to rake and help clean up the yard....plus my Celiac disease decided to give me a hard time. grrrrrrr. Always when one is busy, right?

Do you find that your Celiac disease flares up when you are under stress? It is either that or I am becoming more allergic to gluten...because I cannot cheat at all and I used to be able to sneak a cookie or two maybe once a week...not now.

Don't we enjoy relating the stories we have gathered over a lifetime? Our church is collecting stories and I have to write my memories, as a kid...being out here at our cottage for the summer and missing my piano, I used to let myself into the church and play the pump organ, using their hymns for music. People used to hear it and come in and sit and listen. I remember the special spiritual feeling and the shafts of sun shining through the windows. In those days the church was never locked. How times have changed.

Our children are us in the tomorrow of life...how true. I just wonder what kind of world there will be for our grandchildren......probably our grandparents wondered that for us!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I always feel the comments are the best part of writing my blog.

Yes Nancy my celiac disease seems much worse and there is no cheating any more.

Yes I miss the times when the church could be left open and one could just sit and be quiet.

You must have really blessed the people who came to listen
Another busy day .

Time for bed.

Love Beth