Friday, April 22, 2016


The green of early spring has turned our world into a place of promise.

It gives me the urge to plant some seeds.  Easy ones that are sure to grow.

Meanwhile dad is inside doing the Income Tax.  Always good to have that done.

After lunch outside dad drove me to the Seniors Home to do my visiting.  Some days I feel confident but not today.  I met a new lady today and I am always surprised how much people will tell you about their lives. 

After we went to Value Village and I picked up summer things and dad picked out some warm sweaters.  He seems to feel the cold more than I do.  They sure have a lot of tags on these clothes so I must be sure and cut them all off.

The day ends with a feeling of thankfulness especially for the love that surrounds us in all our activity!

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

What a beautiful flower. Is it an azalea? I love yellow flowers...yellow roses are my favourites!
What is your favourite flower colour Beth?
Do you grow roses? I will grow a couple of container roses on the deck where the VERMIN cannot get to them.

The flowers are just beginning to appear in the stores...just a few, like geranium plugs. Pretty soon they will be tempting me and it will be so hard to resist. The deer have taken away my garden. I wish for a fenced in garden, but it either has to be 7 feet high or completely enclosed, as some people have done.

Planning for the teen art workshop for tomorrow as well as some 1 day workshops this spring. I have a couple already planned...they are requests for 1 day workshops for a group of ladies. Easy, because they are doing all the work..all I have to do is host them and teach. They are even bringing the lunch! How blessed am i?

I am glad to read that you are still going to visit at the nursing home. I am sure the folks there really enjoy your visits. That is a very kind thing to do Beth! Is it far for you to travel?

Today is cooler with a wind off the ice on the lake...but I plan on working outdoors and going for a walk too. A high of 7 today.

Love, Nancy