Saturday, April 23, 2016


                                A dull dreary day started with a good walk with Haiti.

I came home to walk around my acreage to see if any seeds are growing yet.

Dad poke his head out the door and felt one tiny little rain drop and decided it was too wet to dig the hole to plant flowers.  Later it cleared up to cut a little of the back lawn.  So three of us cut our small pieces of lawn!

I was cleaning up in the hall and lost my balance and crashed into the wall and the mirror came smashing to the floor and broke into a million pieces.  It scared Haiti and I but dad remained calm until he could not find the broom and the big dust pan which would have been perfect for this clean up.  In our house we can never find what we need when we need it.

The old saying is 7 years of bad luck so I guess that means I will live for seven more years!

I would agree that the mind is the most restless, unruly part of my being with a lot of different voices fighting for my attention.  I am striving to bring calm and peaceful thoughts that take control of the noisy bunch of intruders in my brain!

Prayer helps me to allow the spirit to calm my heart as well as my mind.

The Spirit of Jesus says: "I am training you to set your mind more and more on Me, tuning out distractions."   -from "Jesus Callin"  by   Sarah Young

Spirit be in my understanding
Spirit be in my mind and heart
Spirit be in my seeing and believing
Spirit be in my thinking and my speaking
Calm my restless soul with the breath of peace
As morning dawns in the quietness of my new day.

Fell asleep watching hockey.


Anonymous said...

Hi Beth: Carol and I will see you guys tomorrow when we go to pick up Carol's new car. I think Larry and I have been assigned barbecue pickup duty. xo Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Goodness me, could have been badly injured with that mirror falling and shattering. So glad you are OK. What a scare that would be! I love your positive outlook regarding the 7 years of bad luck and the meaning you will at least live that long! Great humour.

Soo a new BBQ means lots of BBQ-ing for the men, right! Sounds like a good plan. I have had to assume to duties because Carl cannot get around very well now...which is OK. I had to learn not to be afraid of the is my nemesis.

I was asked to be a judge in a photography exhibition. It will be for photographers from the East Beaches Area. It nice opportunity for them to showcase their work. Funny, that one man I asked if he would like to show his work declined, saying 'he was a professional photographer' but would consider being a judge. He hasn't sold one photograph and doesn't have a portfolio....hmmm the ego of some folks!

It remains cool and the men who are working outdoors still have to wear their toques. The wind off the ice is coooolllddd.

I am getting ready to teach a piano student...looking forward to teaching her a toe tapping jazz piece. Then it is the teen art class. It is a finish up class and then I think we will start making a art journal. I may start a pastel painting with my more advanced student.
Our pharmacist is the most kind man I have ever met. He is from Jordan and a Muslim. I think I may have told you about him. He asked me to make a "book" from his daughter's storybook and drawing she made on I have asked my advanced art student to work on it with me....should be fun. I have some neat ideas...using an old book, tearing out some pages, gluing some pages together...adding in background paints and inks and maybe stencil work..hmmmm dripping paint...oh yeah, on a roll now. The book is going to be a surprise for his daughter's birthday in September. sorry for going on ....I get excited!

Well have to go and warm up my fingers....we are watching the blue jays and it is such a good game!

Have a good day,



beth bennett said...

Nancy you are full of great ideas.

It is good to feel excited about some thing too.

Young people keep us dancing and laughing!

Love beth

Anonymous said...

I am off to work soon. Melina has gone for a bike ride. Its a long weekend here . Anzac day on Monday. The kids want to go to a movie today. Matthew got 15/15 on his spelling test again. I have to buy him a Pokémon toy as a reward(I promised) .
cool but sunny 18c. I spent the whole day at work fixing my computer. We resolved the issue and the techs will fix it later this week.

beth bennett said...

Ken Busy family as usual.

Good for Matthew.

Computers drive me crazy.

Watching more hockey, more exciting now.

Love mom