Wednesday, October 22, 2014


What is the gospel? It has to be good news. The Bible is not an easy book to read but the truth is revealed through stories and myths of failures, disappointments, suffering and pain.

 The path our lives take includes all of these and yet there is always beauty when we are willing to search for it.

I want a message that is good for my health as well as my emotional and mental well being and that speaks to my daily problems and stresses.  . Understanding does not come easy but like many things it is by trial and error.

I want to be able to engage with the messenger to see if they are authentic and honest and willing to admit that they too make mistakes.  I am thankful we have a minister who is open and willing to discuss any questions we have and still accept us as we are.

Listening to the talk yesterday I was once again reminded of the struggles peoples in the third world are facing but the good news was that there are churches that are reaching out and helping people to heal.  Children are being helped to gain an education and especially those living out of a garbage dump.  Women are using skills to create weaving and ornaments that can be sold in countries like Canada for a decent price.

We need strength and wisdom if we are striving for justice in this unjust world. Doing even small things with great love and compassion can help bring healing to others as well as myself.   I have learned not only from the Bible but from people who have gone to places and have come back to tell us their stories.

Dad came to pick me up early as I was feeling all in but so glad I had attended the talk.

Today it is Bible study which yes continues to challenge me to see the words in a new light.


Sandra said...

Why do we have to prove we are no robots? Did dad do this?

Did you sleep through that wind last night? Our power went off about 11 and then I did not fall asleep till after 1 listening to random house alarms go off and things banging against the house.


nancy-Lou said...

I am glad you enjoyed your study group Beth...talking about the gospel. What you write pertains to me too!

Canada has not stepped up to take in some of the millions of refugees from Syria as other countries, like Sweden have done....the third world countries need our help and prayers.

We were married on this day, 54 years ago. It was a cold cold day, with some snow and frozen puddles. In contrast today's high temp will be 18C and there is a strong possibility of thunderstors...isn't our weather amazing?

I see the winter storms have begun out on the coast....hold on to your hat!

It is another wonderful day, isn't it?

Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

Happy anniversary Nancy , looks like you will have a nice warm windy day today. Enjoy yourselves !

larry and eth

beth bennett said...

Happy Anniversary Nancy,
Marriages like ours are unusual now and you are both to be congratulated for your lasting love for each other,=.
Not windy now but very windy in the night and our power went off so I checked my computer.
Ha Ha
love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thanks for the good wishes, Larry and Beth....glad you were able to escape the downed trees, my goodness that must have been a strong wind.

Love to you both,