Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I am finding my brain book mind blowing
The brain is an organ that can learn, so it is designed to be changed.  There are 80 to 100 billion neurons signalling one another in a network with about half a quadrillion connections, called synapses.  All this fast, complex, and dynamic neural activity is continually changing your brain.

Day after day, your mind is building your brain.  For instance, if you routinely practice relaxation, this will increase the activity of genes that calm down stress reactions, making you more resilient.  That is what I need
Our experiences matter.  Not just how they feel in the moment but for the lasting traces they leave in your brain.  This is called experience-dependent neuroplasticity, a modern version would be that the brain is shaped by our thoughts, feelings and actions.  Self-criticism, worries, grumbling about others, hurts and stress, then your brain will be shaped into greater activity, vulnerable to anxiety and depressed mood, inclination toward anger, sadness and guilt.

PA200462I was so happy when I found these mushrooms and thought how they would be perfect for a topic of mind blowing.  I want to create a more positive attitude that is thankful and pleasant and so that I will be more aware of my self-worth.

Everyday I will take in the good!

Let go of the negative.

Knowing that in starting with a few simple steps I can gain inner strengths like determination, a sense of perspective, positive emotions, and be more compassionate.

DSCN5368I matter, you matter, we all do.  A persons inner strengths include peacefulness, contentment, and love, as well as resilience, confidence, determination,  and insight.  These strengths help you cope with the hard things in life, recover from stress, heal old pain, maintain your well being, get things done at home and at work and be patient and caring toward others.

It takes time as anything worth doing takes time to develop.

Yesterday was laundry day for me too.  Today dad is meeting with a group of his buddies and I am going with some friends to hear a speaker who has worked in some of the poorer countries like Guatemala.  Lunch is provided so I will take my own. 


Steady-as-rain said...

The dangers of self-criticism in terms of brain behaviour is making me worry about my self-critical tendencies. Which will make me more like that, which will ....

Oh well - I'll just have a mushroom and bacon sandwich and try to forget about it!




Sandra said...

Nicely put mom. The idea that the brain can be changed, new thought patterns even for those of us no longer quite so young is encouraging. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I think it is the opposite to self-criticism it is to be more self-affirming. Looking for the positive experiences that can often go un-noticed in a stressful day.
Enjoy your sandwich!
love mom
P.S. I am only on the first chapter.

Shandel said...

sounds a lot like yoga!
have a beautiful day