Monday, September 7, 2015


So thankful for another sunny day for the soccer game at 2:30.

I am thinking that laughter should be the armour all of us can wear
to overcome the stresses of life.

I am reading Paul's letter to the Philippians because of it's remarkable theme of pure joy!  The Christians Paul was writing to were suffering very difficult times and yet they were encouraged by him to have joy in their faith.

He stresses that their joy in their faith would "make his joy complete."  Phil. I;25

Dad and I were looking for to another soccer match.  The team they played were very good offensively and Ben saved many, many shots on the goal and even rushing out to catch the ball as they were advancing.

Sadly Ben hurt his groin I believe when he kicked the ball hard after saving the goal.  It was so difficult to be there watching while he is lying on the ground.  He did continue to play but a team mate kicked the ball for him.  We could tell he was hurting and eventually with perseverance the team scored 2 goals.  It was a well played game and they all tried so hard!

As we were watching Morgan came up to us crying as she was stung by a wasp.  Boy that hurts.

Loss is always hard to bear but a new day brings joy and hopefully a week of healing for Ben and Mikey.


Sandra said...

I am back home, safe and sound, and then leave tomorrow for Toronto.
I will call in the morning.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra I was just going to give you a call.

You are amazing. Give our love to Mary and family when you see them.

We are doing well.

love mom