Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Happiness comes with sharing.

Happiness differs from pleasure in that it is a matter of a life well lived.

The best predictor of happiness is to know you have a purpose.

Strong spiritual beliefs add joy and contentment.

  Also being a part of a family that  embraces one another with love brings an inner happiness.

"To know that you made a difference, being part of a community as well as a family, your work or your church or an interest group,
To know that you have lifted some one's spirit, to have relieved some one's poverty, or loneliness,
to fight for justice and fairness in a very unjust world"  J. Sacks

There are many ways we touch each other's lives through prayer as well as through action.

A friend is coming over Wed. morning to borrow one of my brain books.  This is the second person so I think maybe they are impressed with how brainy I have become!


Sandra said...

Yes, I am sure that you brain is amazing people all over the place!
I think happiness can also be partly a choice.
At least I am always trying to remind me self to choose happiness.

nancy-Lou said...

Happiness.....well it is all relative, I think. I know some folks who have a lot to be happy and thankful about...but instead they choose to be morose and feel like they have nothing to live for. Yet I know folks with poor health and little material possessions and they are happy.

The brain is a mysterious thing. One of the things I find fascinating about the brain is the shift from the rational, left side of the brain to the right side or creative side, when immersed in something you are truly enjoying...like playing an amazing piece of music or painting. One is truly lost to all else that is occurring at that time...quite an amazing feeling.

Yesterday we had a long day in the city....it was very tiring. I figured I was driving for 5 hours...a lot of the time in a very busy city.we were away for 8 hours. I don't want to do that again, for a long time.

Today I will be getting the music studio ready to begin another teaching year...my 48th year. Love every moment and looking forward to meeting some new students and seeing my current students again.

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

This morning as I look this over I had some different thoughts.
That two year old little girl that was found dead was terribly
depressing. I am sure everyone was so deeply sad.

I too have to remind myself to be happy.

Love mom

larry bennett said...

Knowing you have done your best in life -- having a talent that you love and giving joy to others - caring and giving a little love to others - enjoying the little things in life, walks in a quiet wooded glen, a bike ride in the country, a little snack on the deck of a riverside cafe with the one you love. I guess the main thing (if you are lucky enough to have it) is to share all these things with the one you love. !!

Mama Lee said...

Love your comment, Larry. It is true that there is nothing better than sharing with someone you love - be it a soul mate, a child or a great friend. Happiness is what you make of it. How we react to things is our choice.

Yes, that was terrible about that dear little girl & her dad. It's hard to believe that someone could do something like that. There are definitely times when life doesn't seem fair. It's how we react that matters.

Love, Lee

beth bennett said...

Great comments from very special people!

love beth