Friday, September 25, 2015


Divine Providence as the idea that God is operative in our individual lives as well in groups.

It is an expression of faith that it is no accident we are here  No two people, times .places, and circumstances are the same.

Where what I can do meets with what needs to be done-there is God's challenge and our task.

The Jews have an idea that God in creating the world hid himself so that the universe could exist.  He did send vessels of light into the world which broke and sent shatters of this light throughout the world.  We are called to be gathers of this light and through acts of loving kindness heal by individual deeds. although they may seem small have the power to mend the brokenness of humanity.

The Pope Francis has been challenging us with a call to be healers of the open wounds in our society.
Especially the poor and the vulnerable who can so easily lose their way.  Politics must choose whether to be a slave to the economy and to fiance or care about human beings.

This is really a call of divine providence!

Dad had a bad day with painful shooting pains so was unable to go to the movie with Carol and Panteli and myself. This was too bad as I know I enjoyed it and I think he would have too.

 I on the other hand had a good report from the doctor on how well I am recovering.


Sandra said...

What movie did you guys go see?

So Dr Nolte said you are doing great?

We are getting the patio furniture tucked away for the winter today. Might do some painting too.

beth bennett said...

Yes, Dr. Nolte was happy and I had no complaints except about not sleeping.

Went for a big walk today and am trying to go all day with out a nap.

Lovely day. Carol and Morgan stopped by and we are invited over for supper.

Dad had a great sleep last night so that was good.

Love mom