Thursday, September 24, 2015


In stead of having one story that gives us a set of rules the are many stories that speak of faith and the mystical side of life that is called divine or holy.

Kim has gone to Chilliwack and the house seems very quiet.  It is strange but just knowing someone will be coming in the door sometime is comforting.  She is very busy and cheerful.

Haiti is very impatient waiting for me to take her for our walk.  It is a bit of a dreary day but always good to have some fresh air.  Dad went off on his bike ride and I went visiting Joyce and Jim.  Dad got caught in a light rain shower but wanted to see how rain-proof his jacket was.  It was good!  Driving is difficult for me but I can do short distances.

Rick phoned from Kelowna to see how we are coping.  Yes, we are coping well just slower.  I am not quite as good as I was but hopefully I will continue to improve.

So many stories we hear in the news are negative and I know I long for the positive.
I wish more people would write stories that inspire us and not ones that makes us angry and upset.

One man who has written out of his love for life and his search for people who inspire is Jonathan Sacks who has written the book "To Heal a Fractured World".

He writes about David Hanes the most unusual man he had ever met. He was a religious Jew who took his faith lightly with a deep sense of humor.  He was a paediatrician who loved children, He built several hospitals and traveled  to Brazil, Ethiopia and Thailand to improve the levels of child care.

One of the last projects he was involved in was the creation of a state-of-the-art-child-care centre in for Palestinian children in Gaza .   His reasoning was that as a Zionist he wanted the best for Israeli but no less for the children of Israel's neighbors.

"Love, decency and care know no religious boundaries."

Exposure to the right stories can be life-changing.


Steady-as-rain said...

Good thing that Dad's rain-proof jacket worked! Better than the other way around.

I'm back in Kamloops now.


Sandra said...

I am lucky, I had checked the weather forecast so the rain was just starting as I was finishing my afternoon walk.

I too wonder why the negative is worthy of news coverage and good news stories are just a treat thrown in once in a while. If someone did not know better they might think we just live in a horrible world with no redeeming qualities in humans.

Have a busy weekend of homework planned, need to get caught up from that first week I missed.
