Sunday, December 16, 2018


Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in the gift of love each child brings into our lives?
I do!  Morgan you hold a special place in our hearts.

We had a wonderful time with Morgan except she had a very bad cough.
We went to White Spot and then watched a holiday special.
We watched Heartbeat and she went on her computer.
It was a late night for us 9:30.
Panteli came in to pick up Morgan and was very pleased with the party.
Lots of great food and good company!
This little baby was christened at Colebrook church today.
All of of the family and friends attended so it was great to have a full church once again
This was an important step for the parents as believers in the mystery and love of the One we call God.

                                        Yes Randy's daughter still brings a lot of joy to his heart.
                                         He cooked up a delicious meal of roast beef cooked just right.
                                       There was a choice of well done or slightly rare.

As a believer in the gift of love that Jesus brought to remind us every child, every person is a gift I am so thankful for the meaning it gives to my life.
We live in a neighborhood with many different faiths and beliefs and yet we are a community that cares.

At the end of the day I feel surrounded by love.

I believe that even as we all believe differently we value family and friends and kindness.


Sandra said...

I don't know about how wonderful the meal was. I think Ricky is the designated roast maker from now on. We cleaned up the kitchen and then had a nap after you all left. Back to work for one more week.

beth bennett said...

Yes I had a ap tpp.

Dad made an effort to go for a bike ride
and I for my walk.

Sunny and warmer but still a little windy.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Starting with a high quality piece of meat is 80% of the battle.

