Monday, December 31, 2018


We drove to White Rock to the big book store.  They did not have the book I wanted in stock.  Unbelievable.

We continue to improve especially now we can eat out.

I am hoping to-morrow will be like a new beginning for dad and I.

I will try and imagine the New Year as one filled with promise.

"The world of the past has gone."  Rev/ 21


Anonymous said...

Yes Dear,
I hope the coming year will bring us health and contentment. Little misunderstandings can grow and become totally out of proportion. Little words can cause enormous pain to each other.

This is magnified very much when painful memories one may have are kept so deep in effect it did not happen. Blurting the wrong thing, no matter the intention, or the reason, is not acceptable.

If I have done this. to the most loved person in my life, I am truly Sorry!

I will forever try and make this up to you, for this the rest of my life.

Your loving, flawed, forever husband larry

beth bennett said...

Love you too

love beth