Monday, December 17, 2018


It was a warm and festive mood as we opened the door to Sandra and Randy.s place.  Presents had been exchanged and there were happy smiles on all their faces  The table was set beautifully and we could smell the roast beef.  I was amazed with the joy that we were greeted by Mandy and James.

The mood when we left church had been uplifting as the service had been inspiring and joyful.  Dad and I were thanked for our service of taking the food back goods to the food bank every week.  We received a card and a poinsettia with warm hugs of appreciation.  We do not contribute much any more but we do our best.

My mood changed as we arrived home from lunch.  We turned the outside lights on but the house was in darkness as I lay down for a nap. 

There came a knock at the door and our neighbor Core stood there with a huge piece of chocolate cake that was left over from the birthday party for Natasha's mom.  He was concerned about how we were feeling and we will plan to see them over the holidays.  They have been such kind neighbors.

Dad went for a bike ride and I went for my walk Monday morning.
There were many trees blown down in the forest.
Dad had a little fall when he stopped to pat a dog and slowly fell over.
He had lunch  and then felt a little dizzy.
I tell him it is important for him to be calmer.
I went visiting knowing Joan would be expecting me.The mood in the home is quiet but cheerful.
My mood feels lighter as I am greeted with her happy voice!  She was so anxious to give me my Christmas card.  I am worn out by the time I get home but I am in a better mood.

"When the light around you lessens
and your thoughts darken
Steady yourself and see
that it is your own thinking
that darkens your world."
-John O'Donehue


Sandra said...

Moods can certainly swing one way or another on a dime. After Carols post on Facebook about ego I was wondering if tying moods to desired outcomes is ego.

I was still tired on Monday even with having a nap on Sunday but I think today I am pretty much recovered now.


Steady-as-rain said...

I think Dad slowly falling over while trying to pat the dog is a rather amusing image, and I can just imagine it. In fact, I can imagine me doing it!

That is lovely that Joan had a Christmas card for you. Your card arrived in the mail today.

I talked with Carol last night and she also suggested that I should come down on the 23rd, so that is likely what I will do.



nancy-Lou said...

Hi Beth! It is so nice to catch up on your blogs. I have been really busy lately and don't spend a lot of time at my home. Or on the computer. It is so nice to hear the family news and to read about the lovely dinner you had at Sandra and Randy's. I guess it was an early Christmas with Randy's daughter and friend. The floral display looked so lovely...prefect for a table centre. Roast beef cooked well is one of my favourites...yummy!

Hasn't Morgan grown up this past year? My goodness she is a lovely young lady now. I am so glad you see your family and especially your Grandchildren often. they have a special place in our hearts don't they?
My one Grandchild is 24 now and just finishing up college. She will graduate as an engineering technician in May. She is in Vancouver right now waiting for a flight to Victoria. She is visiting her other Grandparents there.

I have been busy finishing up commission pieces for Christmas. Just shipped a large painting to Denver Colorado. another to Winnipeg. Have a third almost finished which is a label for a wine bottle. They own a winery in the Napa valley and this is a special edition label. It has their street sign, here at VB on the label. I meet some very interesting people who summer out here....they come from all over the world. It is a very special place.
it used to be quite elitist, but has changed since 1916 when VB was founded by wealthy people from the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. In fact there is a really dark part of the history when in the 1940's someone had the audacity to rent to a Jewish family. There was a very nasty editorial written in the local summer newspaper about Jews not being allowed here...simply dispicable. In fact I am approaching council to make a public apology, perhaps at the band stand in the village green. There actually is a piece about this in the Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg for all to read.
Fortunately Vb has changed over the years and there are peoples of all races here.

Well I have lots to do this afternoon. Cleaning at my friends house where some renovations took place. So have to get cracking, as they say.

It is nice to have a chance to chat, Beth.

Love to all,

Steady-as-rain said...

Nice to see Nancy-Lou commenting again.

beth bennett said...

Yes Rick
That is very good of you Nancy
with all the work you have done.

Good for you wanting to give an apology.

Love beth

Anonymous said...

When you mentioned your hubby slowly falling over I had a flash to the Carol Burnett show of years gone by when Tim Conway played an older gentleman. I had to laugh then I hoped Larry didn’t hurt himself. Remainded me of a saying “when you stumble, make it part of the dance” hope all is well.