Wednesday, December 12, 2018


                         Oliver is busy doing homework with a little support from Haiti.
Yes, Kim is still her favorite.

I had a busy day going out for lunch with the gang from our Bible Study group.  It was amazing that everyone made it as they are a very busy group of ladies.  Some pick up grandchildren from school, some take husbands to doctor's appointments, some go visiting shut ins, one cares for her daughter with M.S. who now cannot walk or talk.  There is nursing care but she is there full time and prepares meals and does house keeping.  It seems the lunch was quickly over as everyone had things to do.  I waited for dad to join me and he had a hamburger so we did not have to worry about supper.

Maybe we will plan another outer for next year to find out where people are attending church.  Not an easy decision.  Prayer will help us make the changes.

Ken phoned on the way to work.  They are experiencing heavy rainfall and I imagined I could hear it on the phone call.  Jasmine and Matthew have now completed another year of school and will be moving up to grade 4 and 5.  There will be an end of year concert at their school which Ken and Melina will attend.

They are both very busy with their jobs and making sure the children get to and from school.

They did not get the house they were hoping to buy.  Everyone was disappointed.

To-morrow I go to the dentist to have my root canal work done.  I am not looking forward to it at all.
It is going to be another day of rain for us so I might as well be warm and dry and numb.

I have put this off as long as I could and as we all know problems must be faced and decisions made.

"When you walk to the edge of all the light you know,
and take the first step into the darkness of the unknown.
You must believe one of two things will happen;
there will be something solid for you to stand on
Or you will be taught how to fly."
-Patrick Overton


Sandra said...

You did not put up the link to dads page.

Cat goes back tonight.

Party at the shelter.


Shandel said...

I hope everything goes well with your rootcanal work and it is quick so you can recover. I always dread dental work too.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Shandel,
I am dreading it.

Right now I have to force myself to go for my morning walk.

.It is cold and wet,

Love gramma