Monday, December 23, 2019


Community is like a big family where we love each other unconditionally.
As part of this is that we share a common story
in our family and in our communities.
We share our gratitude for each other.
We share our joys and our sorrows.
We are searching for truth that teaches us how to live and what we value.

When we arrived at Carol and Panteli's the suitcases were all pack and ready to go.  
Mikie and Theresa were back from their visit and work party over on the Island.

We had a short visit just time to say hello and give hugs.  They all were anxious to get home.

Today I will visit Joan at the Nursing Home.  I think the sun will shine.


Sandra said...

Was someone else going somewhere, or just the Alexander's were coming home?

Sunday I spent cleaning, which for the most part meant making new messes as I shuffled stuff around from here to there. Went grocery shopping around 2 and the store was surprisingly not very busy and did not feel rushed at all. Even took time to go and get my car washed.

Chances are we will have the kittens for another month maybe. They are very big and kind of think they run the house. I might have to lock them up on the 24th.


nancy-Lou said...

Ah, yes, community. VB is a tight little community. It has changed a lot over the 43 years i have lived here....from a very tight community of only 64 post boxes to over Christmas carol singing......going to door to door. But the plays that uysed to be put on t the community club and the whhist drives are no more...same for the box socials....times change.

Christmas Eve is a stay at home day for us. I have cooking to do for tomorrow and Ken will work outside cutting down a large birch tree that has succumbed to the birch leaf miner. More wood for next winter. We split it and take it over to the wood racks at y house.

Well it is time for our morning disciplines, as Ken calls them.
Love to all, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Sorry for the typos...I cannot type well on his net book there are over 400 boxes now