Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Nothing like puppie love!
A little white and gray curly hair.
He always tries to sneak out and get in the car.
He is always so happy to see us when we return. 
He watches from the upstairs window.
Yes he has changed our lives.
We have a big walk in the morning and he loves to say hello to people or other dogs.
I do not seem to get much done around here when it is time to go again.

Dad finished putting up Christmas lights so he is happy about that.

To-morrow he sees his family doctor to get pills refilled.  Then on the way home he will make a stop at the blood clinic to do his test for the prostate cancer.  We are looking forward to supper with Carol and Panteli, Kim and Ben.

According to my new boom the brain is neuroplastic.
It changes according to the environment.

I am reassured that change takes time.

I am excited to learn more each day. 


Sandra said...

I went to hit the like button on your post, I guess my brain needs a change of scenery.

Every batch of kittens has there thing, these ones is eating our food while we try to. Having 6 kittens swarm you while trying to eat and constantly putting them on the ground takes away from the enjoyment for sure.


Shandel said...

Yes! The brain can be changed and is pliable. So fun to learn. Meditation is a great way to create new patterns in the brain. Sounds like a good book. I need to write down some of these titles for future reads. We enjoy seeing all the christmas lights and this year being that the cold weather took longer to come, we noticed more ppl put up lights. We did miss out on our neighborhood event, they did a 12 streets of christmas and had hot chocolate and a food bank drive. We were busy organizing some donations for the spca. But next year I hope to attend.

beth bennett said...

Life keeps us busy that is for sure.

I coulc not handle that many kittens.

good idea Shandel for the neighbrhood

Good to help the Spca.

Love momor grandma