Wednesday, March 1, 2023


 I must remember to phone Rick about the new appointment time.

Dad and I are concerned that we are over tiring him.  Like today my appointment time is 9:40 and dad is 2:40.

I think we need to share the load of driving.

I am sure my thorat closer was caused by stress and worry.

I read in my devotional today that "we can be more than conquerors through him who loved us." 

Romans 8:37

I find it helpful to re;eave my stress amd worry to repace my negative thinking with a positive thought.

This is my thought for today.

This is part of what I call beimng spiritual.


Sandra said...

I am not busy at work anymore so can help drive pretty much any day (except every second Monday)

While knowing your body and having an opinion on what is causing issues is important, sometimes it is prudent to have that confirmed by a doctor just in case it is something more serious or something that needs to be addressed before it gets more serious.

I believe what you are talking about is being mindful mom, recognizing that your mind is going places that negative and causing you distress so you take control and choose to think something different. Not always easy I have found.


Ken Bennett said...

My lease expires on the 29apr so I will have to move soon. I don't know whether to buy or rent?
Lets hope thats the last of the snow for the year.