Friday, March 3, 2023


 We are very fortunate in many many ways.  We have a lovely caring family.  We have good friends and kind neighbors.  a adorable little dog who takes we for walks every day.

We have now made a firm decision we do not want to move for maybe a year or so.  No one needs to look for places for us to move to or to rent.

OUR FAMILY will repect our decision I hope.  

..Fortunately Laura our helper will come 5 days a week.

We all have a lot of stress on our lives.

Was it stress that made me sick to my stomack during the night?

Dad could not sleep.  We will cancel the loan at the bank for now.

I realize that Sandra did an amazing job getting that all arranged.

Our new dishes arrived today and it will be fun to set the table with them.

It was a cold day but Spenser enjoyed our walks.

Dad appreciatted all the effort Rick took driving arouind to get his special eye cream.

His eye does not look good at all and he is waiting fir an appointment with the soecialist.

Cancer is a horrible thing.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Respect, no not at all. But accept is all I can do. As I watch you and dad fall for more and more scam artists and your decision making obviously faulty it is distressing. You have been very fortunate up till now.