Friday, March 17, 2023

St.Patrick day

 What did you guys do on St.Patrick.'s Day?  We went to the dollar store and bought silly things like a green hat.  I wore on my walk around Boundary Park.  A man laughed at me aand told me he was going home to have an Irish coffee.  

Actually he always likes to give Spenser treats.  Any friend of Spenser is a friend of mine.,

We enjoyed Laura coming to make a nice lunch.  She tells great stories. We  laugh a lot especially when she tells us of the latest trouble her dog is getting into,  She thought it would be just like Spenser.

May be we will go to the library to-morrow.  The little library has a lot of serious books right now that dad likes to read.

I do not feel like being serious!

I do not think I will be reading "Democracy In Chains" or "Act Of Treason".


Ken Bennett said...

Jasmine played really well in her basketball game yesterday. They made the finals which start next week. I spoke to Brittany yesterday. She is planning her wedding for next February .

Sandra said...

We did not do anything. Yesterday I had started cleaning the dead flowers off the alley way when I got a call from the new girl at work. She has just moved here from Jamaica and does not have a car or know anyone. She had lost her bus pass and had an appointment to get to. So I quickly changed my clothes and picked her up and took her to buy a new one then dropped her off for her appointment. She then would carry on and go to school. I have started driving her to work in the morning as it takes her almost 2 hours by bus but if I pick her up it is just 25 minutes.


Shandel said...

I worked and wore a St Patrick's Day pin. We also took daisy to the vet. She had an abscess on her leg and it is infected. She is on the mend. Poor girl.