Saturday, October 17, 2020


                                                          Pictures are reminders.

I have given up trying to download my current pictures.  Can anyone help me.  Dad tried.

We were watching the news and dad commented on religion as being awful.

Because I have had a meeting at the park recently I was thinking of all the different friends and how we have all found great comfort and guidance and inspiration as we have studied Scripture to-gether.

Over the years we have all gone through difficult times.  The death of our parents, sickness in our families, disappointments and failures.  One friend had panic attacks, another one a single mom, children with disabilities needing extra care, the disappointment of not having grand children, and now having worries about our own health and the health of our loved ones.  

Life is a challenge and I find strength and courage asking God to be with me when times get tough.

I would have given up many times if I did not have a faith in my religion.  I am reminded of the 10 commandments which are a good source of how to live.  

We are all finding this time is difficult because we ar enot able to get to-gether in the comfort of our home.

Sharing wisdom and encouragement helps each one to trust that times will change in the future.

There will be healing and renewal. 


Sandra said...

I will give it a try, I will come by early before we go out for lunch.

It seems to me if religion could just focus on the moral aspects of kindness, forgiveness, generosity and things like that istead of having to create a figure head with all sorts of magical aspects to enforce the idea that they are deity and so have to be obeyed, and then create the higher class of person who is able to communicate with the deity and interpret what they want ( or what they individuals want) the world would be much better off.

Would your freindships have been any less meaningful and comforting if they were entered around Budha or Mohammed?

It has been a hard year for sure, all the big and little things that have been different. Just going to the store becomes a challenge, which way to walk, do I have my mask with me, can I touch something before I decide to buy it? I often walk on the side of the road with out a sidewalk now as I just get tired of having to give people the wide berth as we pass. And not having the grandkids come out this year, no kids swimming all day messing up the house. And having Leah and Craig distance them selves and hardly seeing Rick.


Anonymous said...

We had some easement of covid restriction last night. We can now travel 25km from home , golf , fish, play tennis . Most shops ,stores , are still closed . Two more weeks , 2 nov , shops and restaurants will be able to open.Very cold at the moment. top of 16c ...burr and a cold Antartica wind ....ugh


Steady-as-rain said...

I hope you can get back to posting current photographs soon.

Religion can be okay and all the various religions are basically melding into one now that it is considered bad manners to kill people for religious reasons, at least in the west. Which means that all religions are the same which means they are all wrong as they contradict, but, in a strange way, they are all correct because when you take away the funny costumes and strange hierarchies and human power grabbing tendencies they all say pretty much the same thing.

"Faith and Hope at Ground Zero" was a PBS show and the best thing about religion I ever saw.

I have been at Value Village the last few days. Have to buy new XL shirts for my new job as the old L shirts no longer fit. Can't start my new job with only summer t-shirts!

