Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Feeling sad that we will not be attending Tyler's wedding.  How do you spell his girlfriend's name?

I wonder how we can send a telegram?

I remember the day Ken you told us you would not be returning home.  I sat by the phone in shock.  I had not expected this to happen.  We were happy that you had found some one to love and share your life with.  We were very sad not to be there at your wedding.

It was exciting news as each child was born and we have been blessed to have them visit  us.

We have always been proud of our children and I am sure Ken you are too.

Nothing has made us happier than becoming grand parents.  We have tried our best to get to know each one and appreciate their loving qualities. Yes we have the best grand kids! 

We felt your broken heart and sadness when your marriage ended.  Life does not always work out.

We were so happy when you and Melina found each other and more children arrived .

We believe that there will be a bright and happy future ahead for you  all.    

Family means the world to us.  I pray for you all.

Waiting to hear from Rick.

Waiting to hear how the camping went.

I feel very bad I got annoyed at Spenser's barking.  There seemed to be no reason for it.  I walked him and fed him and talked to him and told him he was a good boy.

Dad not feeling too good today.


Sandra said...

Camping was wonderful, food for the soul for sure. It was perfect weather, misty and calm in the morning with the sun peaking over the mountains to warm it up for the afternoon then down to a chilly 2 or so degrees which made the fire all the more enjoyable.

I yelled at Missy last week too, something I never do. She was meowing lots at the kittens and I was trying to get my work down so I could leave to go camping.

My results came back a maybe for celiac, he said now go get the blood test. Seems kind of backwards. Theresa said to ask for the actual report so I can see what it says.

Off to pick up the new momma cat and kittens in a bit.


beth bennett said...

That was good you enjoyed ypur camping,
where you in tents or in Theresa's camper?

How many cats will you have?

Love mom

Sandra said...

Kimberley was in the tent, the rest of us in the camper.

Well, we have the 2 older kittens still, and adding in the mom cat and her 4 kitten so a total of 7.

Steady-as-rain said...

I think Spenser might need a bit of yelling at from time to time.

I hope the City will do something about the water leak.

Well, that is the last we see of Nick and Jo and little Katie on Heartbeat. I knew it was coming, and I know they are just actors, but it still makes me a little sad.

Good on Kenny for doing so much to be at Tyler's wedding. Aislinn is Tyler's fiancé's name, I think.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick I think you are right. Her name is Aislinn.

Hope the work you are doing goes well.

:pve mom

Ken Bennett said...

Sorry Mom , for some reason I missed your blog yesterday.I woke at 4am to watch NFL football , maybe that thru me off . Also they called re our exit programme ,what time we leave ? What kind of transport is required,ie taxi . Aslinn , Tyler calls her AIS .