Sunday, May 29, 2022


                                                   Boundary Park.

I am making the same mistakes putting my hear aids in.  It is discouraging. I have put them in today and hope I have done it right. I do it after I have my walk.  My biggest fear is that I will lose them.

We did not go to church today because dad is working on fixing the kitchen floor that was damaged by water.  The door of the frig. was not closed tight and ice formed.  Dad worked on the boards yesterday for a long time but he is thinking  what to do.  He wants it t look okay.

We all make mistakes in life.  We can continue to make the same mistakes for many years.

I am still trying to figure out religion.  I think that have been mistakes in some teachings. Our goal is to keep asking questions.

"To be human is to find that religion is built on unanswerable questions and on paradox.."

Religion that demands perfection is false.  The word spirituality appears to be built on the acceptance of imperfection. We have all had disappointment in life.  We have been hurt and wounded spiritually by lies and abuse of religion's power.

"The  spirituality that allows for imperfection speaks to those who have sought for meaning in the absurd. peace within chaos, light within darkness. joy within suffering, without denying the reality and even the necessity of the absurdity, chaos, darkness and suffering in our daily living."

A spirituality that does not deny the pain and mistakes in our lives but also expresses the hope that we will be healed helps us to live by faith.  Faith that truth will be found as we continue to ask questions and become humble with our own mistakes and those of others.

Yes there have been times when my faith was exciting and full of promises.  I felt like I had found the meaning of life and the secret to happiness.  I find now that I question why things happen.  I question where is God?

Does Jesus still make the blind to see and the cripples to walk?





Ken Bennett said...

I hope it stops raining so I can go for a walk this afternoon. Nice day for a warm cup of soup!!!

Anonymous said...

I, like you, was a true believer in what my Anglican religion taught me. I went to church faithfully and played for services, weddings and funerals.
I read some of Bishop Sprongs books and watched some videos and after much thought have religion is based on guilt and repent. Where is the loving God here? I like the idea of spirituality. No guilt, feel the love.
Where is God when that crazy man shot all those innocent kids? Religion has caused so many problems.
Hope you both have a good nights sleep.
Love, Nancy