Thursday, May 19, 2022


Good neighbors are so important.

Ken had been one of the first people to come over and say hello when we moved in.  He lived next door with Kelly and there two boys.  Yesterday I met Kelly's sister on my walk and with tears in her eyes she told me Ken had died.  He had been very ill and in a lot of pain with a spinal problem.  It had been very hard for the family to make the decision that even with help they could not care for him at home.  He had been in care for a year.  Dad had offered  to visit but they had not got back to him.  We knew they were very private people.

As I am walking by their house I wonder if I should tell Kelly how sad we feel.  I ring the bell feeling unsure of what to say.  She is very surprised and pleased to see me.  She had wanted to tell us but had been unable to.  I did not know what to say but she just wanted to talk and share what she had been through.

Grief needs to be expressed and shared.

She paused for a minute to tell me she had tried to bake a cake and it had turned out to be a failure.  She had cried but now with me she laughs as she tells me the story.

Yes laughter can be expressed even when we feel pain and sorrow.

I hear Spenser crying at the front door telling me he needs to go out.
Off we go.


Anonymous said...

Is that the people in the house who have not cut their grass, or a different house?

Ken Bennett said...

That was very nice of you Mom, I'm glad she opened up to you. Jasmine is still not well, it's only Flu, but it's a bad one. Matthew is over the worst but I think he is staying home from school today.