Tuesday, May 24, 2022


                                                        Jane and I .
Our relationship has blessed us both through many changes and wonderful feelings of
 closeness.  We were like sisters.

Yes I was so happy that both Sandra and Carol made it a dream come true.  It is a long drive and I was so thankful Carol drove.  We went through Vancouver by places I had remembered.  Once over the bridge it was easy to find her new place.

Yes I felt a twinge of pain when I first saw her.  We were soon chatting away just like the old days.  She has a wonderful sense of humor.  Her daughter Susan who lives very near by dropped in to make us a cup of tea.  To end our visit we walked around out side.  She walks there nearly every day.

For many years we had walked together on a Wed. morning up and down the hilly Panorama area where we lived.  We had shared so many hopes and dreams ands laughter over about 40 years.

We have kept in touch by phone but seeing each other was happiness.

Our love for each other was as strong as ever.

There is a special beauty in old age!

It was worth the effort.


Ken Bennett said...

You both look so good. My thanks to Carol for driving you. That is a long trip from your house.
I took Jasmine to basketball training after school yesterday. She was coughing very badly. She made it through basketball but she stayed home sick again today. We suspect she likes a boy at school and that is why she went to school on Tuesday. Massive power failure in my area, and the airport was without power. It only lasted about 1:15 mins.
I now have a head cold /flu-ish thing, nose blocked, sore throat achs and pains. Melina offered to do my shopping for me, but I zipped out to Safeway after the first period of the FLAMES - OILERS game. It was good I saw the last 12mins of the third period.

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, good that Carol drove.

The Panorama Ridge days seem long ago.



Shandel said...

How lovely to visit your friend.