Wednesday, May 4, 2022


                                             Just an ordinary day for us.

                                             Laura is making banana loaf and a sausage casserole.

                                             It is smelling good.

Yesterday we dropped in to the Safeway.  I nearly did not go in it was full of people with big buggies full.  It was 20% off day.  I did not realize this until we were checking out.  I walked home Spenser from the Safeway hopeful that this would count as his second walk.

Today was Spenser's day for a shot.  I think it makes him feel better.

I am reading about unordinary people who have special spiritual gifts.  They ask questions like why do we exist and what is our purpose.  Is there something more?  A higher power?  A spirit that can guides us into  a deeper experience of the super natural.

Children have the imagination that helps them believe in magic and another reality.  I am not one who had a hard time believing in ghosts and angels and Jesus.  I was taught to say my prayers and I did. 

"Nature has placed mankind under the rule of pain and pleasure.  We are governed by them in all we do say or think."  We are now facing the limitations of getting old.  I have the choice to be content and happy.

Yes some days are better than others.  Yes the sacred is not far beyond the ordinary but shines within it.

Dad is very tired today and slept through lunch.  

Life is precious and each h day a gift.

There is beauty that can shine through the orinary.


Steady-as-rain said...

You never taught us prayers.

Sounds like Laura is a good cook.

Watching the Leafs on TV.

I have to get a haircut bur it is very tiring to go downtown.



Catherine G said...

You are one of those "unordinary people who have special spiritual gifts." Reading your blog is like being in seminary again, only more accessible and practical. I love it.

Sandra said...

Very rainy and dreary out these days, so sleeping the afternoon away does not sound like a bad idea.

Ken Bennett said...

it's freezing cold here. There is snow in the mountains so the wind is now really cold. Matthew has gone to the movies straight from school and plans on taking the train home. We may pick him up( Melina is worried ) but it's okay.
I have a bed in my new home, now I just have to build it!! We have a skip in the front yard to take away all our rubbish.