Saturday, May 21, 2022


                                Very calm this morning. The summer sun has started to shine.
                                        Warm and calm is good.

The days fly by.  Nice to have Carol drop in for a visit.  She brings a calm presence.  She had a biopsy of her thyr0id. and was on her way home to have a rest.  We invited her for lunch but she declined. 
Even the aroma of the meatloaf floating from the kitchen did not tempt her.

Her and Panteli are picking up Morgan to go to Ben's game today.  We would love to go too but we find it a big effort.  Next time.

We have been busy trying to get the battery on my camera to work  I cannot understand why they have just stop working.  Talked to a nice young man at London Drugs.  He wanted to be helpful but he did not have any answers.

Yesterday we went to pick up dog food for Spenser.  I thought I had two more cans but I was wrong.  

Watched the hockey game after our walk around Boundary Park.  I fell asleep in the tired period.  I think that Edmonton won!  It is amazing when they come from behind to score the extra goals that are needed.  I am getting to know a few players.

We are also watching "The Lincoln Lawyer,"  It is a series so it will keep us watching for several days.  I also have the book  A lawyers job is not always easy.  I guess Rick could have told me that.

Thanks Ken for the encouragement.

It is the neighbor right next to us not the ones across the street. Sandra.
Thanks for your comments.

"Calmness is a gift.  And once you master it you will be able to respond in a useful way to a stressful situation. that decides to walk into your heart."  Zen Buhhist.

Jesus said to live in the moment of today and do not worry about to-morrow.

Spenser is a challenge because he is barking a lot.  .

He is getting old and is afraid of the stairs.  He still brings us a lot of joy!

Breath in calm! 

1 comment:

Ken Bennett said...

My dog Rocky still goes nuts at any dog walking past our front gate. I try to keep him in the back of the yard. I find it hard to do anything as I worry about the dog destroying the house if I leave him inside.
Matthew should be well enough to go to school tomorrow. Jasmine is still sick. There are so many kids home sick from school these days. Covid or regular flu both take you outta action for a week.