Sunday, May 15, 2022


Willing to try to go to church.

Did not succeed.

The only solution is to treat it like garage day
and be up at 7:30.

"If at first you do not succeed
try, try. try again."

Spenser and I got caught in the rain.
Met 5 other dog walkers
mostly with white little dogs.
Home for our morning nap.

I am reading Christian books .
Today it is about "The Islamic Jesus."
"Regardless of whether he is a Jewish radical or a Christian Messiah
Jesus is also one of the most beloved prophets in Islam."

We all need salvation? 
Or do we?

"We really don't learn anything
from our experience
We only learn from reflecting on it."
Robert Sinclair 

Soon Sandra will be arriving to drive us to Carol and Panteli's home.


Catherine G said...

I'd be interested in knowing what you learn from "The Islamic Jesus."

Anonymous said...

Yes, you for sure need more time to get ready these days, I wonder if you will feel it is worth the bother? Best way to judge will be if you actually get there.
Dont forget to ask Carol about going to see Jane.