Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Another beautiful sunny day.

I heard the mail man come and was pleased to get a card from Shandel and Cameron.  Yes I had a fun day on Mother's day.  Thanks guys.  The rest of the mail was junk mail asking for money.  

We all collet too much junk.  
My cupboard in this room is full of papers etc.

Ken and Melina have lots of junk that needs to be sorta and most of it thrown out.
We love them both and pray things will work out,
Plans are being made to take the children to school and Ken will take them home.

If and when Rick decides to move the family will be there to help him.
I have some big boxes he can have.

Life can be a challenge especially during painful times.
I mean old friend from Colebrook and we sure miss going to church.
For me it was a place of healing prayer.
Also a time when we accepted what was not going to change but we felt a new strength to cope with the  problems.

The atmosphere felt warm
and more important it felt sacred.
It was a place where transformation was possible.

Our minds can be freed from all the junk we dwell on.


Ken Bennett said...

It's moving day. we are getting there. Matthew is staying home from school to help move. Melina took three days off from work. We need to take the moving van back by 1330 tomorrow.

Sandra said...

Some junk is harder to let go of than others. The contractor says he will be done his part by next week.