Tuesday, May 31, 2022


                                                  Yes I prayed and looked and prayed and looked again.

                                                  The answer was keep looking.  I did.

                    Dad and I had a busy day in the yard.  Dad did a great job cutting down branches that are blocking the side walk. I cut the lawn and cleaned off the back patio with the blower.  Dad kept working.

I went in to have a rest and then noticed I had lost a hearing aid.

Carol and Panteli came by and we had a visit with ice cream and blueberries.  Pentei finished the job cleaning up after he went to the store to buy more big brown bags.   Sometimes a little help makes a world of difference in your day.

Did not sleep well.

Made my coffee this morning and was looking in the dining room and I found it.

Yes I lost my hearing aid yesterday.  I felt sick about it.  I was positive I would not find it.  I had no idea when or where I lost it.

It was not the end of the world of the world.  It could be worse I told myself.                 

I am too tired to be thankful and joyful.

When we pray we do not know how God will answer  All  I know is God answers  prayers.

Now I can drink my coffee and pray for family and friends.



Shandel said...

Glad you find it. Does it fall out ? Or you leave it around and forget about it? It is good to get some yard work done. We did a lot around my dads. We are living here now. Praying our deal goes firm unconditional and is considered sold. Soon. One more week.

Sandra said...

Are you remembering to put your hearing aids in the right way?

Glad you found it. We spent the day tiling the new bathroom.
