Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Variety adds spice to life.

Each day we keep going doing the best we can, finding joy in the little blessings and peace in our souls.

Dad did a great job fixing my bathroom toilet so that now it has become musical making funny noises but iy works.

Each of us deals with life differently. Each one in our family has their own personalities and gifts to bless us all. 

Some solve problems with the mind, some with hard work and effort, and some emotionally from the heart of the soul.

All of us face the unknown.

Today we went to the Wooden Frog in Twassewwan to listen to Craig answer questions with the small group of us around a table.  He has been busy putting up signs and putting a messageon a sign towards the ferry.  He made a good impression.

There is much to learn about the game of politics.

Real is good in life and in politics.

Our emotions are real.

Love, Beauty Goodness and friendship are real!

I believe that heaven is as real as the earth.

Writers in the ancient world wrote about a "golden thread" that connects us.

Quatum physitists tries to explain the unexplainable.

Speak from the heart out of your own experiences.


Steady-as-rain said...

That was nice that you went out to support Craig at the coffee-house thing. Although he is not a natural politician, you have to admire him to putting himself forward and being honest and forthright. I am very proud of him. Everything is harder than it looks, as Dad has told me many times, and I have found myself.

The job interview I had I thought went very well. Just have to wait and see if I hear back from them. I am trying to make more applications for jobs (which all seem to lead to me leaving Kamloops) but I am very busy at work trying to tie up loose ends, although I don't think anybody could blame me if I wasn't working over-time at this point.

Very emotional working my last few days at my current job. But I have no regrets. It was time to leave.



Sandra said...

Yes, it is inspiring to see Craig will ing to do the best he can even though he must be up against some real politicians.
Maybe soon we can call him one!

After Mary's court on Tuesday the Judge stamped their division of time and now Mike has the kids for Halloween. Mary has asked if he will let her still have them when we are there. He is thinking about it.


beth bennett said...

Life never seems to get easy.

Both Rick and Craig are doing the right thing.

Craig seems to be handling it all well and knows he needs to be thick skinned.

Very sad for Rick and hopefully he will find work in a good place.

Love mom