Sunday, October 20, 2019


Nature gives us so many gifts that fill our hearts with wonder and delight.

I am remembering this Sunday morning the gifts of love wrapped up in friendship and happy times I have experienced over the many years in Colebrook Church.

We have a beautiful church that has been transformed with many gifts that have found life there.

 I know I found a voice there.  When I first walked in the doors I felt at home.  I was very shy and quiet.  Others saw in me a potential to be a leader in our U.C.W. group and then on to be a chairperson at council.  I found new gifts of strength and wisdom and compassion.

Dad and I have both taken part in the worship service.  Dad has been very involved in the Outreach Group and worked hard to bring our refugee family here to Canada.

You discover that you need to be a part of  a community by giving to it and learning together.

One more week left and we will out be scattered in many different directions. We carry the love we have apprenticed over many many years with us.

This last month we have been reconnecting to those who have left and that has been wonderful.

There is a small group of us who will continue to pray for each other.  Prayer has helped me through the difficult days when life has been painful for me.  

We are reminding ourselves have precious we have been to each other.  The gifts of goodness and caring and believing that we have shared.

We will be uniting in prayer for our friend Margaret dying in hospital.  She has been a been  fighter
and helped making tea and coffee after our services for years.

I have discovered that there is an outer beauty that we reveal to the world but it cannot compare to the inner beauty that shines from the peaceful faces that have excepted the end is near.

We will be asking for prayer for Mary in hospital with kidney stones.  Soooo painful.
Pray she gets good care and they pass quickly.  We love her lots.

We are looking forward to going out for lunch with Sandra and Randy.  We love them lots too.

We are thankful for the gifts of love we have receiver from all our family.  We love them all!


Sandra said...

Who would have ever thought that churches would shut down? Maybe some weird ones that just popped up one day and then were gone, but not ones in a real church building in a community. It is too bad that the leadership did not do enough way back when it could have actually made a difference.

Glad that you were able to come all the way out to join us for lunch, even if it wasn't home made.

No news on Mary yet.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra a good question but families are just not attending any more and us oldies are faiding away.

Praying for Mary. Waiting for news.

Love mom.