Friday, October 18, 2019


These mushrooms looked like little hats!

When you walk slower through our little park you see a lot more things
hidden in the grass.

We certainly had a slow day today until it was time to get ready to go to the funeral for Vera Fader.
I wore a hat just as Vera had requested.  The church was full of older people and a lot of different types of hats.  We listened to a lot of humorous stories about Vera.  She certainly lived life to the fullest.

The lady who played the piano was a jazz pianist and she was amazing.  The music was very lively and even old hymns were joyful while still meaningful.  

Yes one starts to think about their own funeral and what would one like.  
At this point I am not sure.
The best part was seeing some old friends again.
Today has been a good day."

I was thinking about my birthday party in July and maybe we should all wear hats.

There will be time enough to start looking.

I am sure Rick will find something at Value Village.

Transformation is a gradual process of seeing life in new ways.


Sandra said...

On your birthday tea party everyone was supposed to wear hats. I think most did.
I had an early day yesterday as I had to be in Langley by 7 to set up for a payroll seminar.
Today will be all about the cleaning to get ready for Kimberly and Hamlet to come over on Thursday.

beth bennett said...

Have a good day Sandra.
You are alady of many hats

I forgot about my hat birthday.

We can thinkof another idea.

Have fun cleaning!

Love mom