Monday, October 14, 2019


                                The fields are overflowing with pumpkins of all size and shapes.

Our church is celebrating another special Sunday where former ministers are returning to share our sadness at the closing of this our church home.  We have had so many different ministers over the years.  We have lost a friend each time they have left.

Life is full of sadness and happiness.

I was amazed at all the friends I had made over the years.
We stayed and had lunch after church and Jane and I had a good visit as we ate our lunch.

After a good rest I walked the dog and then we drove over to share supper with our family.

Kim and Hamlet made an amazing meal!  A lot of work thought and effort went to the preparation.

It was wonderful to see Oliver and hear all he has been doing.  He is off surfing on a big wave that is expected.  He caught a big Salmon and even canned some to give us. 

Life is a gift that we all share.  We are asked to say yes or no to life in our own way.

1 comment:

Shandel said...

I just love this time of year. I love pumpkins. They are so pretty. And I was fortunate enough to volunteer at a pumpkin patch and learned lots about them. I've been curing my own pumpkins I was gifted from the patch. they are nearly all orange now. Went from deep forest green to a bright hard orange. Thankfully we are not getting snow and the temps hover between-3 and +13 I honestly don't care how cold it gets as long as the sun shines!