Thursday, November 14, 2013


‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but the moments that take your breath away”.   
I do not know who said this but I will put it on anyways.

I was feeling very slow Wed. morning and it took an effort to go for a walk.  I was glad I did because I knew I would feel better afterwards.
Dad went to the skin doctor and have a few spots treated.  After he came home and went for a bike ride.  It just may be one of our few sunny days.
Doing my study on Revelation took an effort but being with our small group was great.  It is a book meant to give hope and guidance.  The Old Testament provides most of the clues to understanding what the spirit is saying to the church.
Being “in the spirit” helps especially when our need is to worship and express our love to Jesus.  We all have had times when we have experienced the powerful presence that is indescribable.  Church allows worship to bring us out of our everyday worries and allow Jesus to minister to us.
I see worship as a time of giving and receiving.  I come to give myself as an act of surrender and be open to receiving the love of God but also the love that surrounds and binds us together as we worship with praise and thankfulness.

Worship, whether in a church or in our garden, is a time I believe that God wants to talk to me and I just need to quiet my thoughts and listen.  I have learn to pray and I can learn to enter more passionately into worship that feeds my soul.  Joy is the appreciation of what we have and knowing that from the heart of God comes good gifts.

     There were a lot of things I did not feel like doing today but I did them anyways!

                                 That was yesterday and today is visiting day.


Sandra said...

Well, here is hoping for a breath taking moment in your life today. For me, the drive along the river, the misty grey fog and the trees in the distance outlined against the few glimpses of light are my happy moments. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Up at 2am today. Did a shift change for a mate .I get monday off instead. Very cold here.I went golfing yesterday , only 9 holes , but got out for a couple of hours between showers. Matthew got measured for his new school uniform yesterday.Get home at 1:45 just in time to see Canucks play ( starts 2pm here ) if i can stay awake.

larry bennett said...

It is nice on a long drive there are nice vistas to observe.

Good you are getting a little golf in Ken - your weather has looked terrible - about the same as ours. Can you take little ones onto the golf course - Ithink both of them could become good athletes. /should be an interesting game tonight.

Anonymous said...

Yes, worship, contemplating the unknowable, is very important.

