Saturday, November 23, 2013


Waking up too early and see the moon waiting for me as I start out my walk.
I  am half way and now turn to head back up the hill to home.  I have met my dog friends who seem as happy as their masters to see me.
The sky continues to reveal the glory of a sunny day.  Yet if one were to look at the clouds they seem very dark and threatning. 

Yes,  believe that there is a spiritual goal for each one of us but each one is unique.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Up the hill and towards the trees and the stream.
The water is rushing fast and looks very cold. 

The days also seem to be rushing by especially when I do not get done the things I have planned.
Behind, behind, behind will I ever catch up.  I have to decide what is important and concentrate on finishing a few simple tasks.

I try to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary,  I am not just walking I am training for the Olympics!
(honestly I am becoming more and more like the tortoise but I finish even when my legs feel weak!)

I am not just reading I am reading books like the "Underground Church"  "Wisdom for Our Times" God Is Back"(I do not think he went anywhere,)  "Cruel Creeds and Virtuous Violence" and "The End of Lie Book Club" and my study on Revelation and Climbing Jacobs Ladder.

An Extraordinaire!  That is you and me!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Hmm, I thought I commented this morning. Maybe it was on another post. Fingers crossed I have a good night tonight so I can be a bit more productive tomorrow. If I actually make it out of the house I will pop in. Sandra