Tuesday, November 5, 2013


DSCN1402  Wisdom begins in wonder-Socrates

Walking through the trees to our library
Dad says have a check list before I leave.  Do I have my library card, my wallet, my purse and my books.

Dad went happily off to look at his motor bike.  I stayed home to rake leaves, a good way to relieve tension!  Yes he is still a little wild and untamed!

Reading some of the new books written aboutg the life and words of Jesus have given me a new perspective.

Going to church and listening to our minister I find that my eyes have been opened to see things differently.

Evidently Zacheous was already a generous man before Jesus saw him up the tree and invited himself to his home.  The writers who wanted to stress the salvation message of Jesus mentioned his change after being with him.  And I am sure he was changed but not under conviction but under affirmation.

The words we say and the prayers that we read are of an intrinsic spiritual value as we are inviting the presence of the spirit to make the presence of God real.  There has to be a transition from the worldly values to an elevating and purifying the soul. 

Our service is often simple and the old familiar words comforting.  Poetry of prayers that flow with meaning that  all of life has it's season.

Jesus is the composite work of his followers, who even when they walked with him disagreed about the work of Jesus.  I think they were a wild and untameable group with many faults.

 "Liberals search for veracity and a clearer picture of Jesus as a racial teacher.  Conservatives push back against what they see as a scholarly masquerade for debunking the divinity of Jesus."  -The Underground Church by Robin Meyers.

I want Jesus to be the one who takes away my fear, when I am ready to let it go,  and in whose words I find hope and peace.  The early followers of Jesus had a fearful time as they had to choose Judaism or Jesus and also living in a time of political unrest. So who was this Jesus?   Just a good man, a teacher, a prophet or the messiah they were waiting for. 
What is a Christian but a follower of Jesus who has many faces and speak to those who want to listen with new ears Salvation is a gift freely given before we are even aware of it and the Bible can transform us as we become doers of the word.  "Go out "our minister tells us "go out and do and be."

I also realize many have become disillusioned with the Bible and it's message.  Too bad it is not a subversive book that we were not allowed to read? 
I am willing to see that I am free to make choices based on my maturity, my inner sense of what is right and from my experiences.  "Spirit open my heart to joy and the pain of living" is the words of the hymn we sing.

I am thankful that dad appears to be giving his wish for a motor bike careful thought.
I am thankful for a quiet day yesterday after Sunday being a busy day.

I am trying to stay up till 8:30 which is really 9:30

An umbrella morning on Tuesday but I am thankful it is lighter now with the time change.


Sandra said...

I always think it is funny to hear anyone talk about ancient history. I mean, how does this guy or that one"Know" what the generosity level of some guy was 2000 odd years ago? And God will never TAKE your fear away, you have to let it go. Randy is on days this week so have to get use to something bigger than a cat being in my bed again. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Again that is so true.
love mom