Monday, November 25, 2013


“Let not your heart be troubled.”
The One who said this is the One in whom I believe and that is Jesus. 
“Trust in God and also in me”   John 14:i
The writer of this written word is experiencing anxiety which Jesus knew his disciples would face.  Persecution and rejection just like he did. 

A word that I need to absorb into my heart as I read it again and again
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may truly overflow.
My life becomes richer, fuller as I read these words and look upon the beauty of my world with great thanksgiving!  I will trust and put my faith in The One who holds my heart with gentle grace!

“To trust in the wisdom of the moment.
The joy of small that makes life large!  I look at the heavens full of color and beauty and I feel the joy!   -Ann Voskamp

Sandra  dad and I really, really appreciate you  coming over when  you could have been resting.    S.  Thanks for the visit!   Hope you had a bit better sleep.

  Yes, I know you have to see that people get paid but I hope you will just go for half a day. 

Both the soccer and football were good games but I had a nap in the middle.


Sandra said...

I propped up my pillows a bit higher last night so slept OK. I will be fine at work. I get to just sit there, nothing too strenuous. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I didn't look , Did Canada score a goal?? Watching Canucks game now . home from 3am shift, hope I can stay awake. Hope Sandra is better soon.

beth bennett said...

No one scored in the soccer.

Ken, how is your wrist?

Dad is watching hockey too.

Love mom