Wednesday, December 21, 2011


O Happy Day when Jesus was born and God's radiance filled the earth and has never left.

Ken we are so happy you got the job, that is such good news.  You and Melina have had such good attitudes through all this worrying time so we are very happy for you all!

Our family is the greatest!

Thank you for the beautiful calender that arrived yesterday.  Also one came from Ranu in Trinidad.  I sure do need help remembering what day it is and keeping track of the time.  Also remembering important dates.

I need to remind myself just to enjoy life and have fun!

Yesterday dad and I had fun having lunch with Jane and hubby Geof. which was good because of the sadness of being with our dying friend in the hospital and family concerns.  Marg's face is glowing with peace and she is a blessing to all who visit her.

Jane is a wonderful friend and prayer partner!

Today an old friend from our other church is dropping by; we really have made such good friends where ever we went.  It is the husband of Gwen, your old teacher Ken, who still remembers you.
Today I have several things to deliver and then have lunch with the ladies in our United Church Women's group.  I am looking forward to enjoying a fun time with such dear old friends!

Then afterwards Jane and I will visit Louise who is not up to coming.

Thanks Rick for our Chapter's gift card one can never ever have too many books!
  And dad can add to his Kobo or what ever it is called.

I planned to do a little shopping after we got home yesterday but just ran out of steam.  O well.  It is not the presents that matter but the presence of Love!

Believe that miracles still happen and your life can be changed!  I do!

Christmas reminds me of the miracle of Love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks mom